![]() | 11ICSSM: ISA-RC33 11th International Conference on Social Science Methodology University of Naples "Federico II" Napoli, Italy, September 22-25, 2025 |
Conference website | https://rc33.org/call-for-abstract-rc33-eleventh-international-conference-on-social-science-methodology-naples-italy-september-2025/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=11icssm |
Poster | download |
Abstract registration deadline | March 15, 2025 |
Submission deadline | March 15, 2025 |
Conference Page | https://rc33.org/11icssm/ |
Conference Fee | https://rc33.org/11icssm-fee/ |
Conference Awards | https://rc33.org/11icssm-awards/ |
Training Courses and Workshops | https://rc33.org/11icssm-traning-courses-and-workshops/ |
The call for abstracts to the Eleventh Social Science Methodology Conference of RC33, which will be held from 22 to 25 September 2025 in Naples, Italy, is now open.
We invite: scholars from the social sciences and beyond who are interested in methodological discussions to propose their contributions.
Scope: the conference aims to foster the debate on epistemological and methodological issues among sociologists and beyond, facilitating exchanges between scholars coming from various and broad methodological postures, and encouraging interdisciplinary methodological approaches.
More details can be found here: https://rc33.org/call-for-abstract-rc33-eleventh-international-conference-on-social-science-methodology-naples-italy-september-2025/
Abstract submission guidelines: consult the conference website, where the details for any of the 71 sessions are listed, then submit via the Easychair service to the corresponding session. Please follow these instructions and consider the following rules:
Abstract Length: 300 max.
Language: English.
We invite you to submit your contribution based on the session topics. The chairs are responsible for evaluating the contributions and making the final decisions based on the quality and coherence between the abstract and the session topics.
Session list
01. Online communities as a research object (Decataldo, Andreoni)
02. Creativity and sociology. Using creative sources in sociological research (Longo, Punzi)
03. Research on experts, research with experts. Methodological implications and solutions. (Galligani, Martire, Sena)
04. Disinformation Studies: Methodological Challenges and New Research Frontiers ( Acampa, Foà, Couraceiro)
05. Algorithm Awareness and Literacy Research: Methodological Innovations, Challenges, and Future Perspectives (Felaco, Catone, Ambrosio)
06. Queer methods. Untangling tensions between queer and social science methodologies. (Rinaldi, Bacio)
07. Ethnography: Reflexivity and Situated Knowledge Production (Mariani, Sacchetti)
08. Embracing Open Science: Methodological and Epistemological Challenges in Research Infrastructures for the Social Sciences (Ambrosio, Landri, Taddei)
09. Data visualization in the age of artificial intelligence: digital storytelling, big data and open data (Diana, Ferrari)
10. Territory and Social Phenomena in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges of User Spatial Content (De Falco, Lenzi)
11. Breaking up the Narrative: Addressing the Quality and Applicability Challenges of Open Government Data (Gaspani, Pilati, Stefanizzi)
12. Dealing with (intense) emotions and feelings during qualitative fieldwork: How ready can we be? (Gaizauskaite)
13. Methodological Challenges and Approaches for Sociodigital Research (Halford, Aragona, Coleman)
14. Sociological Engagements with Large Language Models (Carr, Ogden)
15. Measuring and Comparing Social and Political Values and Attitudes in Turbulent Times (Lomazzi, Comanaru, Kizilova)
16. Exploring Interconnections of Social Change: Analytical Approaches to micro, meso, macro, and meta Dimensions (Walther, Delamonica)
17. Columbia model of sociology in postwar Europe (Jerabek)
18. Future Visions of Society: Visual Data and Ethics (Dennis)
19. Integrating Digital Trace and Media Data into Surveys: Advances, Methodological Challenges and Applications (Maskow, Holz, Zehner)
20. Using Visual Methods in Unstructured Data Collection for Hard to Study Populations (Torres van Grinsven, Van der Vaart)
21. Exploring inequalities in contemporary societies (Mazza)
22. Data-driven approach in healthcare system (Grassia, Stavolo)
23. Small and big secretes – how to deal with sensitive topics in qualitative and quantitative research (Gaertner, Weichbold)
24. The 3 P's, tools and techniques based on Big Data and Social Network Analysis for measuring political polarization, populism and post-truth in social media (Robles, Casas.Mas, De Angelis)
25. Text as Data: The Encounter Between Sociology and Computer Science (Barna, Németh)
26. Place, people, space: old and new challenges of non-native populations (Benassi, Gabrielli)
27. Disability studies and qualitative research. Research strategies and roles for promoting social change people with disabilities (Kasprzak)
28. Rethinking Multi-sited Ethnography: Contemporary Methodological Challenges and Innovations (Anderlini, Giliberti, Pellegrino)
29. Methodological Frontiers in the Study of Moblity: from digital and technological devices to mobile methods (Colleoni, Daconto, Caiello)
30. Conducting Research with Vulnerable Subjects: Challenges, Methodological Choices, and Ethical Solutions (Leonora, Gamuzza, Daher)
31. Innovative network analysis applications in social sciences (Deriu, Mazziotta)
32. Diverse definitions, methods, and approaches for studying immigrant descendants and their socio-demographic behaviours (Gatti, Buonomo, Strozza)
33. Leave us kids alone… or don’t? Methodological challenges and ethical concerns when doing research with children (Lumino, Santagati, Cabrera)
34. Measurement Equivalence of Values and Attitudes Across Groups (Eisentraut, Davidov, Remizova)
35. Identification and Analysis of Online Racism and Xenophobia against (Im)migrants (Misuraca, Giordano, Fontanella)
36. Mixed Methods at the Digital Turn: How Digital is Reshaping Mixed Methods Research (Addeo, Punziano)
37. New Perspectives for Intersectionality Research, Policy and Practice (Amoah)
38. Social Network Analysis for doing evaluation. Methodological challenges and empirical experiences (Palmieri, Martire)
39. Between Constraints and Opportunities: Rethinking Constraints as Catalysts in Ethnographic Research (Girolimetto, Maculan)
40. Telling Our Stories: Critical reflection on Autoethnography and other auto-research engaging with the researchers' selves (Gariglio)
41. Indicators of Sustainability (Grassia, Marino, Cataldo)
42. Logic and Methodology in Sociology of Law and Deviance (De Felice, Massaro, Ferraris)
43. Machine Learning and Social Research: Methodological Challenges and Innovative Applications (Amato, Miracula)
44. Sustainability and High-dimensional Data Analysis (Lombardo, Camminatiello)
45. Social Impacts evaluation- measurement: what opportunities for data aggregation and knowledge of the social economy and communities (Polidori, Fonovic)
46. Digital methods in organized crime research: investigating mafia networks in the digital age (Ravveduto, Calo', Laezza))
47. Social Network Analysis as a methodological tool for Science and Technology Studies: Challenges, opportunities, perspectives (Serino, Picardi, Agodi)
48. Researching sport and physical activity. Methodological challenges between tradition and innovation (Russo, Diana, Bortoletto)
49. Hearing Silences in Qualitative Interview (Hsiung)
50. The Utilization of AI-Powered Tools in Social Research: Opportunities, Implications, and Prospects (Matrella, Capozza, Cavagnuolo)
51. Territorial Crossing Practices and Urban Dérive: Sensory Approaches to Reading and Interpreting Social Processes (Carrera, Nuvolati)
52. Reimagining Social Research in the Data-Driven Age. Risks, Opportunities and Ethical Challenges (Capogna, De Angelis)
53. Beyond Calculation: AI Devices as Co-Constructors of Stories and Values (Grassi)
54. TBD
55. Doing decolonial research in Global South cities (Eren, Baganz)
56. Growing outside the black box: methodological challenges of studying LLMs (Anselmi, Cantale, Pilati)
57. Innovative Research Methods and Methodologies in Educational Management (Kidai, Boukhari, Bouarourou)
58. Qualitative Multimodal Approaches: Ethics and Practice in Visual, Creative, and Participatory Methods (Chiodi, Bordieri, di Carlo)
59. The Ages of Migration. Methodological Challenges and Innovative Strategies in Research on Migration and Ageing (Lagomarsino, Stefani, Schillaci)
60. Emotions: A New Challenge for the Epistemology of Social Science (Quarta, Iorio)
61. Exploring arts-based methods to challenge social injustice and inequalities (Moralli, Moretti)
62. Methodological challenges for social sciences: between epistemological breaks and sharing of frameworks from the perspective of inter-multi-transdisciplinarity (Boriati, D'Ambrosio)
63. “Captive Data”: Methodological Approaches to Data Collection and Analysis in Prison Settings (Borghini, Pallotti, Psaroudakis)
64. New perspectives on gender and politics: current developments and methodological challenges (Romero Portillo, Ortiz Barquero, Ruiz Jiménez)
65. Using Correspondence-Based Audit Methods to Uncover Discrimination (Pettinicchio, Maroto)
66. De-centring Knowledge Production: Rethinking Methods and Strategies for Gender and Sexuality Research (Alabi, Naidoo)
67. Autoethnography as a method in social and social-health services. Opportunities and critical issues (Zonno, Quarto, Salvati)
68. Participation, practice and solidarity: participatory research in the social sciences (Forlenza)
69. Power and control dynamics in help relationships: methodological perspectives (Tarsia, Rossi, Nucita)
70. How can we counteract methodological challenges with surveying vulnerable/hard to reach populations? (Lund)
71. Towards a harmonized system for measuring disability (Lund)