5G-X-EU 2024: 2nd Summer School on 5G Connected Automated Mobility across Europe |
Website | https://taltech.ee/en/5g-x-eu-2024 |
Submission deadline | June 2, 2024 |
Three major European projects, 5G-ROUTES and 5GMediaHUB (EC co-funding) and 5GOpenRoad (BPI co-funding), have teamed up to organize the 2nd PhD School on challenges and technologies for 5G Connected Automated Mobility and 5G-empowered media applications across Europe. The PhD School is free of charge (excluding travel and accommodation), and will take place on June 20-21, 2024, Telecom Paris (Palaiseau) on Paris-Saclay campus, France. The PhD School is a unique opportunity for young researchers (PhD students) and undergrad students (Master students) to get insights on diverse challenges of 5G for CAM in cross-border scenarios (terrestrial and maritime) and on 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps from senior researchers with an academic or industrial background. The event is also a great opportunity to develop your professional network, both in academia and industry.Participants are strongly encouraged to submit an extended abstract. Accepted extended abstracts will be presented as posters.
The call for extended abstracts and posters can be found HERE.
Our program is available now, but some small changes may occur in time. DOWNLOAD PDF PROGRAMMME
5G-X-EU 2024 - https://taltech.ee/en/5g-x-eu-2024 2nd Summer School on 5G Connected Automated Mobility Across Europe Projects involved: 5G-ROUTES (https://www.5g-routes.eu/), 5GOpenRoad (http://5gopenroad.com/) & 5GMediaHUB (https://www.5gmediahub.eu/) 20-21 June 2024 in Telecom Paris (Palaiseau, France) |
Thursday, 20 June 2024 |
Friday, 21 June 2024 |
- Yannick Le Moullec – TalTech, Estonia
- Frederick Rang - TalTech, Estonia
- Pierre Merdrignac - VEDECOM, France
- Eulàlia Parés - CTTC, Spain
- David Pubill – CTTC, Spain
- Hamzeh Khalili - CTTC, Spain
- Yannick Le Moullec – TalTech, Estonia
- Pierre Merdrignac - VEDECOM, France
- David Pubill – CTTC, Spain
- Hamzeh Khalili - CTTC, Spain
- Sarang Kahvazadeh - CTTC, Spain
The 2nd Summer School on 5G Connected Automated Mobility (CAM) across Europe, co-organized by the 5G-ROUTES and 5GMediaHUB projects (EC co-funding), and 5GOpenRoad (BPI co-funding), will take place on June 20-21, 2024, Telecom Paris (Palaiseau), on the Paris-Saclay campus.
This event is a great occasion for young researchers and undergrad students to get insights on the diverse challenges of 5G for CAM in cross-border scenarios (terrestrial and maritime) and 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps from senior researchers with academic or industrial backgrounds.
In this context, we call for extended abstracts for Poster Sessions, intended for the presentation of initial or consolidated results of early-stage researchers (PhD students) and undergrad students (MSc students).
The Poster Session will be held during the 1st day of Summer School in a 1.5-hour slot together with a networking coffee.
Extended Abstracts for Poster Sessions should be related to the following topics, although not limited to as long as they are related to challenges of 5G for CAM or 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps
- 5G technologies (positioning, QoS prediction, V2X, MEC, etc.)
- Security and Privacy
- AI/ML technologies
- Feedback from 5G prototyping and Field Operational Tests
- Cross-protocol, cross-technology, cross-operator, cross-stakeholders, and cross-border enablers
- AR/VR, tactile technologies
- HD-mapping and sensor technologies
- Methods and tools for scheduling, validation, verification, analytics, and QoS/QoE monitoring of 5G media applications
- Cross-domain orchestration of NetApps
- Use cases and results of lab trials and field trials
- Business Impact
- Regulatory issues
Extended Abstracts should:
- follow the regular paper template, available in Word and LaTeX;
- be 1 page long, including figures and references;
- be submitted from the submission site Easychair.
Authors of accepted extended abstracts will be invited to prepare their posters (free form, but not larger than 80 cm (w) x 100 cm (l))
Extended Abstracts will be light-reviewed by the Summer School Scientific Committee
Deadline: June 2nd 2024
For any questions, feel free to contact us by email: info.phdschool@cttc.es
Only extended abstracts should be submitted to Easychair. Authors of extended abstracts that will be accepted will have to prepare and print their posters separately.
The submission and reviewer processes will be managed by easychair.org.
If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account by clicking the "I have no EasyChair account" button. Upon completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you will be ready to submit your poster. You can upload and re-upload the poster to the system by the submission due date. In case of any problem, please contact for assistance by email info.phdschool@cttc.es
REGISTRATION IN THE 5G-X-EU SUMMER SCHOOL is free of charge (excluding travel and accommodation).
However, for logistics purposes, participants must register by sending an email to: info.phdschool@cttc.esIn the email, kindly provide your first name, last name, level (Master's student, PhD student), and affiliation.We will get back to you as soon as possible
Paris-Saclay is a research-intensive and business cluster campus in the south of Paris. It comprises universities, grandes écoles, research facilities, and R&D centers of private companies. Telecom Paris, a French public institution for higher education (grande école) and engineering research, is located on the Paris-Saclay campus, in Palaiseau.
Télécom Paris is located 20 kilometers south of Paris.Address: Télécom Paris (Palaiseau)19, place Marguerite PereyCS 20031F-91123 Palaiseau Cedex
Travel and accommodation are not included and must be arranged and paid for by the participants or their organizations.If you want to stay not too far from Telecom Paris premises, we suggest you look for accommodation in e.g. central Massy via bookings.com, AirBnB, hotels chains websites, etc.
• Information for getting here by public transportation, by car, and from Paris’ two main airports (Paris Charles de Gaulle and Paris Orly): https://www.telecom-paris.fr/en/campus/life/maps-directions• Information about public transportation in Paris area: https://www.ratp.fr/en• Ridesharing (e.g. Bolt, Uber) and taxis (e.g. G7) and are also available