CSECity’23: 3rd Congress in Sustainability, Energy and City Universidad Indoamérica Ambato, Ecuador, November 20-21, 2023 |
Conference website | https://csecity.indoamerica.edu.ec/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csecity23 |
Submission deadline | August 30, 2023 |
Welcome to CSECity'23 - the 3rd Congress on Sustainability, Energy, and City, which will be held in Ambato, Ecuador, from 20th to 21st November 2023.
Ambato is the capital of the Tungurahua province and is nationally known as the "City of Flowers and Fruits," or also referred to as the "Cradle of the Three Juanes." This reputation is attributed to its rich culture and traditions. Ambato is a vibrant and populous city, currently one of the most important capitals in the central region of Ecuador.
With the majority of the world's population residing in urban areas, it is crucial to focus on the sustainable development of cities. Cities globally have faced challenges due to their rapid growth, which has put their sustainability at risk. Consequently, cities and their surrounding regions are confronted with new social and environmental issues that are closely interconnected with the economy. In this context, academia plays a vital role in promoting research and innovation in cities. This entails studying their sustainability indices (economic, social, and environmental), infrastructure, and society to identify problems and propose solutions.
This congress aims to bring together experts in sustainability, urbanism, energy, and industry. This multidisciplinary group of researchers will facilitate the exchange of knowledge among academic institutions, foster research activities, and analyze how intermediate cities and industries can change and adapt in a sustainable manner in the coming months and years.