ETRA40, APLX, & TESPA 2023: ETRA 40th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, APLX 2023 International Conference on Applied Linguistics, & Taiwan ESP Association Annual Meeting GIS Taipei Tech Convention Center Taipei, Taiwan, October 11-13, 2023 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Abstract registration deadline | May 10, 2023 |
Submission deadline | May 10, 2023 |
Topics: applied linguistics foreign and second language teaching bilingual education and bilingualism esp/emi research and practice
About the Conference
Submission Guidelines
Areas & Topics
Abstracts are welcome in any area of applied linguistics, bilingual education, and English language teaching and learning, including but not limited to:
- Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: English medium instruction (EMI), content and language integrated learning (CLIL), bilingual policies, bilingual language acquisition, bilingual teacher education, and other relevant topics;
- Applied Linguistics: multimodalities, pragmatics, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, phraseology, language and culture, language and technology, language assessment, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communication, gender studies, and other relevant topics;
- Foreign Language Teaching Theory and Practice: L2 acquisition/SLA, content-based instruction, multi-/cross-cultural issues in English education, language assessment, technology and English education, and other relevant topics;
- ESP Research and Teaching: technical writing, corpus resources, English for vocational education/business/tourism/science/technology/ management, innovations in ESP curriculum design, international/inter-cultural communication, trends and challenges in English for specific purposes, and other relevant topics;
- Translation Studies: theory and practice of translation and interpretation, translation and interpretation teaching, audiovisual translation, game localization, translation and technology, news translation, and other relevant topics.
Abstract Submission
- Abstract submission deadline: May 10, 2023
- Notification of abstract acceptance: June 10, 2023
- Abstracts should be between 200 to 300 words.
- More information:
- All accepted abstracts (both oral presentations and posters) will be invited for the submission of full papers; full papers will be accepted in English only.
Full paper submission deadline is August 10, 2023. Submitting your full paper is completely optional.
- Full papers will be reviewed, and selected papers will be published in Taiwan International ESP Journal (TIESPJ, indexed in TCI-HSS, ACI, and Scopus) as a special issue. Please follow the submission guidelines of TIESPJ.
- Articles and forums should be submitted electronically to iPress Online Submission System. Please also send an email to Ms. Joy Luo for confirmation with the subject as “2023 TIESPJ Special Issue”.
Types of Accepted Manuscript
Complying with the submission guidelines of Taiwan International ESP Journal, two types of submission are welcomed:
- articles up to 7,000 words that focus primarily on the areas of inquiry and development in ESP/EAP/CLIL/EMI
- forums up to 3,500 words that discuss researchers’ and practitioners’ reflections on their current pedagogical practices
GIS Taipei Tech Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan
- Conference affairs: Mr. Julian Yang (楊先生)
- ETRA or TESPA affairs: Mr. Johnson Kao (高先生) /