GARSJRW25: GARS Junior Research Workshop 2025 WissenschaftsForum Berlin, Germany, May 20-21, 2025 |
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Submission link | |
GARS25 Junior Workshop
20-21 May 2025WissenschaftsForum Berlin, Markgrafenstraße 37, 10117 Berlin, Germany
The Institute of Air Transport of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) will kindly be hosting the 22nd GARS Junior Research Workshop (GARS25) in aviation-related topics on 20-21 May 2025 at the WissenschaftsForum Berlin. The workshop is supported by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Routledge, the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), the Bremen University of Applied Sciences (HSB), the IU International University of Applied Sciences and
In the early stages of an academic career, there is still much room to develop research networks.
The GARS Junior Workshop is an ideal and rather informal platform to share aviation-related research with fellow students and experienced researchers. We welcome papers from ongoing thesis projects (Bachelor, Master/MBA, PhD/doctoral studies) or from those completed within the past two years. Submissions can include work in progress, preliminary drafts, or final drafts. All submissions will be evaluated by experienced evaluators.
The workshop will include not only paper presentations, but also “one-slide/poster sessions” to receive quick, bilateral feedback. Following the Junior Workshop, the 6th GARS Summer School in Air Transport Economics for GARS members will be held at a different venue in Berlin on 22 and 23 May (see a separate call for the details).
The Junior Research Workshop is a chance to not only showcase your work but also to be recognized with attractive prizes that could support your future research efforts!
All complete, full-paper submissions to the GARS Junior Workshop will be eligible for our Best Paper competition in the two categories Bachelor/Master/MBA and PhD/Doctoral studies. Distinguished scholars in aviation economics and management will evaluate the papers. The prize money is sponsored by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (up to €400 Bachelor/Master/MBA and €600 for PhD/Doctoral studies). Book vouchers are generously provided by Routledge.
Topics (examples)
Air transport demand (passenger and cargo forecasts; customer segments and behaviour; post-COVID-19 prospects; the impact of military conflicts and trade wars); Air transport supply (business models; market exits and bankruptcies; slots and capacity management; congestion); Air transport regulation (climate change and environmental issues; economic regulation, liberalisation, privatisation).
Venue, registration cost, scholarships
- The workshop – hosted by DLR - will be held in person at the Wissenschaftsforum Berlin, Markgrafenstraße 37, 10117 Berlin, Germany on 20-21 May 2025.
- We will share accommodation options later, but the venue is in the heart of Berlin, with many hostels and hotels in proximity.
- Attendance is free for GARS members and those joining (see online membership form)
- When submitting online, indicate if you are applying for a Hartmut-Wolf scholarship, which may partially cover travel expenses.
Abstract submission
A structured abstract is required to be submitted by 31 March 2025 at*
The structured abstract (250 to 300 words) should contain the following elements:
Title and Keywords |
A concise title, and four to five relevant keywords |
Purpose |
a concise description of the purpose of the research (25 to 40 words) |
Methodology |
a brief introduction of your research design (35 to 70 words) |
Findings |
a description of the (expected) research findings (35 to 70 words) |
Contribution |
a summary of the contribution of your research paper (35 to 70 words) |
References |
a list of 2-5 literature references most pertinent to your research |
Your affiliation, current studies (BA-BSc/MA-MSc-MBA/PhD), and your co-authors, if any, and their affiliation. At the end of the structured abstract, kindly specify whether you are currently a GARS member or interested in joining. For details about membership benefits, please visit our website.
*You must log in to EasyChair and fill out the relevant sections (see EasyChair visualisation at the end)
Full paper/poster submission (after abstract acceptance)
- After acceptance, full papers (or posters) must be submitted by 30 April 2025 at, Workshop email
Presentations must be sent by 15 May 2025 at
- The files should be named (choose what applies):
[Last Name]_[BA/MA/MBA/PhD]_[Paper/Poster]_JRW2025.pdf whereby BA stands for Bachelor (BA and BSc), MA (MA and MSc) and MBA for Master, PhD for PhD and doctoral students, Paper for a paper presentation and Poster for a poster presentation to be submitted by EasyChair.
[Last Name]_[BA/MA/MBA/PhD]_[Paper/Poster Presentation]_JRW2025.pptx for the PowerPoint presentations.
Important Dates
- Abstract (online) submission by 31 March 2025.
- Confirmation of acceptance by 15 April 2025.
- Full papers and posters will be due 30 April 2025, and PowerPoint presentations 15 May 2025
- For further information, please contact Sven Maertens ( or Ane Elixabete Ripoll-Zarraga (
Visit the GARS website at to explore the benefits of becoming a GARS member.
By attending the GARS JRW or the GARS Summer School, you are implicitly accepting the granting of image and data rights for dissemination and publicity purposes, i.e., to be published on the GARS website or shared with attendees and participants.