ICICCT 2025: 10th International Conference Information, Communication & Computing Technology. JIMS ,SECTOR-05,ROHINI,NEW DELHI NEW DELHI, India, May 23-24, 2025 |
Conference website | http://jimsindia.org/icicct2025 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icicct2025 |
Submission Guidelines:-
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Page size of an article should not exceed 15 in any case. Desired page size is 12 -15.
- The manuscript should be prepared in Springer CCIS, written in English format using MS WORD template.
List of Topics
The theme of the conference is to focus major areas of Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition.
Track-01 Intelligent Systems
1. Machine Learning
2.Natural Language Processing
3. Knowledge Representation
4. Computer Vision, Robotics And Perception
5.Deep Learning
6.Neural Networks
7. Expert Systems
Track-02 Pattern Recognition
1. Audio and Speech Recognition
2. Signal Processing
3. Applications of Pattern Recognition
4. Document Analysis & Recognition
5. Biometric applications
6. Image processing
7.Information Retrieval
Organizing committee
Dr. Deepak Chahal, Professor, Deptt of IT, JIMS,Sector-05, Rohini,New Delhi.
ICICCT 2025 proceedings will be published in Springer CCIS.
Springer CCIS is abstracted / indexed in Scopus, DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago.
Springer CCIS is the Second Prestigious Conference Proceeding Series after LNCS; CCIS H-Index is Comparatively high as compared to Springer other Proceeding Series like LNEE, LNNS and few others which are conducted worldwide.
Hybrid & Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Sector-05, Rohini, New Delhi,India
Visit our Website for More Details : https://www.jimsindia.org/icicct2025