![]() | ICLC17: 17th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 14-18, 2025 |
Conference website | http://iclc17.com |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclc17 |
The Seventeenth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-17)
Asociación Argentina de Lingüística Cognitiva (AALiCo)
Culture, Discourse and Cognition
The 17th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-17) will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from July 14 through 18, 2025, organised by the Argentine Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AALiCo) and the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) as the venue. ICLC is the biennial conference of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA; http://www.cognitivelinguistics.org/). Past conferences have been held in the USA (2001), Spain (2003), South Korea (2005), Poland (2007), China (2011), Canada (2013), the UK (2015), Estonia (2017), Japan (2019) and Germany (2023).
The language of the conference is English.
There is no requirement to be an ICLA member for conference participation, but members will get a substantial reduction in the conference fees as well as enjoy other benefits (more information and member signup via the ICLA website). The ICLA has set up a fund for student scholarships; students who have their abstract for a poster or presentation accepted can apply for a scholarship.
Theme Session Proposal Deadline: November 1, 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 30, 2025 February 15, 2025
Confirmed Speakers
Confirmed Plenary Speakers at the conference include the following:
- Concepción Company Company (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – Ciudad de México)
- Alice Gaby (Monash University – Melbourne – Australia)
- Maarten Lemmens (Université de Lille – France)
- André Nogueira Xavier (Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba – Brasil)
Further plenary speakers will be added in the coming days. The organization of ICLC16 is guided by the principles summarized in the ICLA.
Submission Guidelines
There are three different types of sessions, and submission processes are different.
Theme Session
There are two stages for submissions for a theme session. First, theme session organizers should submit their theme session proposals directly to the conference organizers at the following address by November 1, 2024.
Theme session proposals should include: the session title, the name and affiliation of the theme session organizer, an introduction of up to 400 words explaining the theme, a list of the authors and titles of the individual papers, and all abstracts of the papers in the proposed theme session (100 words each) in a suitable order.
The conference schedule particularly suits sessions comprised of 6, 7 or 11 slots (25 minutes each), including time for an introduction and a general discussion. Indicate in the proposal whether you would like to have a 25-minute time slot for an introduction and/or a general discussion. Papers in each theme session should be thematically linked. We strongly encourage diversity at the level of the affiliations involved in the theme session—one third of the papers should be contributed by authors outside the affiliation of the theme session organizer. Theme session organizers are encouraged to launch a broad call for submissions. The acceptance of theme session proposals will be made at the beginning of December.
Once a theme session has been accepted as a whole, individual theme session authors will need to submit their abstracts for review (following the same guidelines of submission for general and poster sessions below). Papers need to be individually accepted in order to form a theme session.
General Session and Poster Session
Abstracts for general (oral) sessions and poster sessions are to be submitted through EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclc17), following the guidelines below (see Abstract Submission). You will be asked to state whether the paper should be considered for an oral session only, a poster session only, or both.
General sessions
Each presentation in a general session will be 25 minutes long (including questions and discussion). Papers in general sessions will be thematically arranged.
As in previous ICLCs, we encourage the submission of posters. Efforts will be made to render the poster session into a pleasant and inspiring locus of exchange. Posters will be allocated to dedicated, timetabled sessions, and will be thematically organized in terms of time and space of display. We therefore encourage poster submissions. The poster to be displayed must be of A0 size (or smaller) and must be vertical.
Abstract Submission
All abstracts should be submitted electronically through EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclc17).
The submission portal will be available during the submission period, from September 1, 2024, to January 30, 2025 February 15, 2025.
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (excluding examples and references). Author names should not appear anywhere in the text (you may cite yourself as [Author] or in the third person for previously published work). A PDF file is optional at this stage. If you want to include figures or graphics, feel free to upload the abstract as a PDF and write “see pdf” in the abstract window. Theme session authors should make sure to note the title of the theme session at the top of their abstracts. References should be formatted according to the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics Journals.
The title must be at the top of the abstract. Please include a list of five keywords right below the title to assist in the reviewing process. The first keyword is preferably selected from among the topics listed in the second paragraph of this call for papers.
We invite a broad range of papers on any topic taking a cognitive, functional, typological, or discourse approach to the study of language and cognition. Typical topics treated in the conference include (but are not limited to) the following:
- cognitive grammar
- construction grammar
- metaphor and metonymy
- frame semantics
- prototype and categorization
- cognitive phonology
- discourse analysis
- pragmatics and cognition
- corpus linguistics
- language processing
- neurolinguistics
- language change and grammaticalization
- cognitive typology
- motion and space
- first language acquisition
- applied linguistics and pedagogy
- language evolution
- translation and cognition
- multimodality
- sign language
- writing systems
- cognitive sociolinguistics
- cognitive semiotics
Important Dates
Deadline for theme session proposals: November 1, 2024
Notification of acceptance of theme session proposals: December 1, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission: January 30, 2025 February 15, 2025
Notification of acceptance: February, 2025
Dates of conference: July 14-18, 2025
Organizing committee
- Claudia Borzi (Chair; UBA and Conicet)
- María Soledad Funes (UBA and Conicet)
- Vanina Barbeito (UBA)
- Ana María Marcovecchio (UCA and UBA)
- Rocío Martínez (Conicet)
Please direct all enquiries to info@iclc17.com