![]() | IEEE ICA - ACCA 2024: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXVI Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control U. de Santiago de Chile - CEPEC Santiago, Chile, October 20-23, 2024 |
Conference website | https://ieee-ica-acca-2024.cl/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeeicaacca2024 |
Conference program | https://easychair.org/smart-program/IEEEICA-ACCA2024/ |
Submission deadline | July 15, 2024 |
The IEEE International Conference on Automation (ICA) XXVI Congreso de la Asociación Chilena de Control Automático (ACCA) is an international conference that brings together experts, researchers, professionals, and students in the field of automation, control, power electronics, and computer applications, with a focus on the SDGs (UN-Sustainable Development Goal) and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Asociación Chilena de Control Automático ACCA. Moreover, the first IFAC Latin American Women in Control Engineering (IFAC LA-WICE) will be held on the first conference day.
- Last Submission Deadline 15/07/2024
- Notification 30/08/2024
- Camera Ready 20/09/2024
- Early Registration 20/09/2024
Submit the full paper until July 15, 2024, following the guidelines:
- Initial submission, manuscript in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, 6 pages.
- Must be prepared using Microsoft Word or LaTeX template available at https://ieee-ica-acca-2024.cl/.
- Full paper submission must be done via EasyChair.
- Once a paper is accepted, new author’s names cannot be added.
Authors are invited to submit original papers. Topics include, but are not limited, to the following areas:
- Advance and Theory Control.
- Aerospace and GRSS.
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Big Data. Biomedical Engineering.
- Communication Systems.
- Computational Intelligence.
- Computer Vision.
- Digital Agriculture.
- Industry 4.0.
- Industrial Automation.
- Industrial Engineering.
- IoT, IIoT & Sensor Networks.
- Power Energy Systems.
- Process Control.
- Robotics and Automation.
- Signal Processing.
- Virtual Reality and Interactive Software.