CIISS 2025: II Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería con Sentido Social Centro Universitario Nor Occidente - Bogota Calle 80 Bogota, Colombia, May 5-9, 2025 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | March 31, 2025 |
The International Congress of Engineering with a Social Sense -CIISS- is a space where various topics of interest in the area of engineering and the challenges it brings to be at the service of society have been discussed. This event reflects the experience of recent years, the interest, commitment, and capabilities of the academic engineering community, with thematic axes as relevant to society as:
• Agriculture, food, environment and sustainability.
- Innovation in infrastructure and sustainable construction.
• Digital transformation and advanced emerging technologies.
• Process optimization and sustainable productivity.
These thematic axes are consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals, whose goals seek to be achieved by involving the entire community: governments, the private sector, civil society and ordinary people to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. . In this sense, engineering plays a key and challenging role, as mentioned by Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO: “Engineering is one of the keys to the sustainable development of our societies, and to activate its full potential , the world needs more engineers and more equality.”
Submission Guidelines
Authors are recommended to carefully read the following instructions for submitting CIISS-2025 papers. If you have any questions, write
- All works (paper type) must be sent electronically through the defined links, any other means of delivery is not considered valid.
- In accordance with IEEE requirements, only files in .PDF format will be accepted.
- At least one (1) of the authors must be registered at the event to be able to present a work (paper) and each registered person may present a maximum of two (2) works.
- If there is no record of any of the authors of the papers, they will be removed from the conference proceedings.
- IEEE reserves the right to exclude papers (paper type) from distribution after the event (remove it from the IEEE Digital Library).
A single category of papers is welcome - Full papers describing:
- The works (paper type) will be submitted in English and must not contain spelling, grammatical or typographical errors, with a limit of pages between 4 (minimum) and 10 (maximum). Authors can be guided by the format proposed in this call.
- Each work (article type) must be framed in one (1) of the sessions listed in the table presented above. The maximum similarity percentages allowed with other works are 20% without references and 30% with references.
- All works (paper type) will be submitted to a double-blind review with at least two (2) expert reviewers on the subject of each article.
- The registration of works (article type) will be carried out from midnight on December 1, 2024 to midnight on February 28, 2025 through the easychair platform.
- All authors (individually) must send the signed authorization document for image use and data processing authorization in .pdf format to
- All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
List of Topics
CIISS-2025 will address key issues impacting our global society. This conference will provide a unique platform to present innovative research,
share exemplary practices, and collaborate on creating effective solutions that shape the future of social engineering.
We hope that this call for papers inspires researchers and professionals from around the world to contribute their work and knowledge to this top-level
event that will be developed under the framework of the IEEE.
Together, we can advance the advancement of social engineering and its positive influence on our interconnected societies. In this sense, original
technical-scientific presentations are invited on the following topics:
Innovation in infrastructure and sustainable construction:
Sessions: - Resilient and adaptive design, sustainable materials and green construction - Renewable energy in infrastructure - Smart infrastructure and sustainable cities
Process optimization and sustainable productivity: Sessions: - Industrial automation and control - Engineering education and vocational training - Materials, energy, sustainability and applications
Digital transformation and emerging technologies: Sessions: - Electronics, communications and cybersecurity - Technological innovation and emerging trends - Smart cities and social and ethical impact of technology.
Agriculture, food, environment and sustainability: Sessions: - Agriculture and social sustainability - Food and social transformation - Environment and sustainable development
Organizing committee
- John Camilo Cifuentes - General Chair
- Juan Camilo OsorioScientific Chair
- John Fredy Avendaño MancipePublications Chair
- Liliana Gómez MezaRegistration Chair
- Oscar Ballesteros Parra - Arrangements Chair
- Javier Ríos SuarezPublicity/Public Relations Chair
- Mónica Orozco Rodríguez Sponsorship/Exhibits Chair
The CIISS 2025 proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore, and the best articles will be chosen for submission to IEEE Xplore. To this end, the author(s)
of an accepted paper must register for the conference at the rate of Paper Presenter or Paper Presenter with IEEE Membership and the paper must be presented
by this author(s) at the conference.
It is an honor and a pleasure to welcome the global community of engineers, academics, researchers and professionals from around the world to the
II International Congress of Engineering with a Social Sense (CIISS) in its 2025 edition. The event will take place at the city of Bogotá, Colombia,
at the Minuto de Dios University Corporation, at the Nor West university center (Engativa Calle 80), a center of innovation and excellence in social engineering.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to:
IEEE Colombia Section
Chair IEEE Colombia Section: Alvaro D. Orjuela-Cañón
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios:
Vicerrector Académico UNIMINUTO Bogotá: Nelson Iván Bedoya Gallego