ICEMES2025: 18th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems Oradea, Romania, May 29-30, 2025 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | February 19, 2025 |
The International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems conference wishes to attract academics and researchers with outstanding contributions in the next main fields: computer science and control systems, electrical engineering, electronics, and telecommunications. It aims to account for their research results, provide a framework for cooperation partners, and develop new directions for collaborative research themes of national and international interest.
List of topics
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Telecommunications
- Computer Science
- Control Systems
How to submit
All papers, invited session proposals, pre-conference workshop proposals, and tutorial proposals must be submitted electronically through the EasyChair Conference Management System EasyChair Conference Management System.
NOTE: Manuscripts that do not conform to the formatting guidelines below will be removed from further consideration without review.
Submitted papers should follow the IEEE conference proceedings templates ( for double-column A4 paper size.
Write the paper(s) in English language. Each paper should comprise FOUR FULL A4 PAGES. These four A4 pages should include ALL the contents of the paper, including the abstract, figures, references, etc.
It is also important to not number the pages of the paper.
All the papers should be submitted using the Paper(s) submission menu. Notice that the submission period is limited in time. Submit the PDF version of your paper keeping the page format and the other formatting instructions mentioned before avoiding the application of any security settings.
The full paper prepared according to the formatting instructions should be sent together with the paper's abstract up to the time limit announced by the organizers. In order to edit or resubmit the paper, you should use the web account you created for the initial submission. For this reason, keep carefully the ID code(s) of the paper(s) and the password(s).
When referencing existing works if a referenced work has a DOI then include it at the end of a particular reference as (see Crossref DOIs in references, Option 1).
The papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format and should adhere to the IEEE PDF Specification for IEEE Xplore.
IEEE Xplore®-compatibility
Before submitting the final version of your paper please follow carefully the instructions and remarks of the reviewers and then prepare your paper in PDF format according to IEEE requirements.
Use the PDF Express tool to convert your DOC or DOCX paper to PDF compatible format. Following the next rules, this phase is compulsory before uploading the final version of your paper.
Before Creating a PDF
- Add the copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-2577-4/25/$31.00 ©2025 European Union
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-2577-4/25/$31.00 ©2025 Crown
- all other papers the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-2577-4/25/$31.00 ©2025 IEEE
- Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
Go to IEEE PDF eXpress® website (, and:
- Create an IEEE PDF eXpress® account after February 19, 2025, entering basic contact information (Conference ID 65692X); get confirmation of account creation email.
- Upload a PDF for Checking or source file(s) for Conversion; get email confirmation of file receipt.
Submitted PDFs are Checked for IEEE Xplore®-compatibility; source file(s) are converted to IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs.
If a PDF is submitted: you will receive an email stating that the PDF Passed or Failed the Check. If the PDF fails, a PDF Check report is attached to the email. The author goes to the account and clicks "Understanding the PDF Check Report" for solutions.
If the source is submitted: you will receive the IEEE PDF eXpress®-generated PDF as an attachment, and through your IEEE PDF eXpress® account. Review PDF to ensure that it views on the screen and prints as you intended.
If necessary, revisions may be submitted (PDF or source); return to Step 2.
Make sure that there are no grammatical, spelling, or content errors in articles prior to submitting to PDF eXpress.
- When you have an acceptable, IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDF, submit this final PDF to the conference.
If you do not have an account on IEEE PDF eXpress® website ( please follow the next instructions:
Creating your IEEE PDF eXpress® Account
First, click on "First time logging in? Click here". Next, fill in your:
- Conference ID 65692X
- Email address (IEEE PDF eXpress® will send notices to this address)
- Repeat email address (for confirmation)
- New password (you will be asked to confirm this password on the next screen)
Click Continue, and fill in the required information. The phone number is especially important if a problem arises with email or internet systems. Click Continue, and you should see the account confirmation on the screen. You will also receive an email confirming the account setup. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours, contact
Once you have created your account, you can login anytime to submit PDFs for Checking, or source files for Conversion to PDF.
For more information please access the Publications Support Center where you can also find all the above information with more details.
All manuscripts will be subjected to a single-blind peer review process, involving two independent reviews.
During the review process, the author(s) may obtain all necessary information about the status of the review of the manuscript by accessing their EasyChair account.
The submitted full paper will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers on: suitability for one of the topics of the conference; scientific content and level, the relevance of presented results; correspondence with the template, English usage, and grammar.
Review comments will be communicated to the author(s). The author(s) must make the required changes and send a final draft as requested before the prescribed day.
The editorial board will take into account the reviewers' comments when deciding the publication of the manuscripts.
When a manuscript is rejected by only one reviewer, the editors will contact a third reviewer to request his opinion about the manuscript.
The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the article's publication has been approved by all other co-authors and takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review.
Important dates
Full Paper Submission:
March 11, 2025March 25, 2025 -
Notification of Acceptance: April 3, 2025
Final Paper Submission: April 17, 2025
Registration: April 30, 2025
Conference attendance expectation
If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to register for the conference and present the paper.