WASTES 2025: WASTES - Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities Ilha da Madeira Funchal, Portugal, September 3-5, 2025 |
Conference website | https://www.wastes2025.org/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wastes2025 |
Abstract registration deadline | January 15, 2025 |
Submission deadline | January 15, 2025 |
Full paper submission for review | March 15, 2025 |
Date: September 3-5, 2025
Location: Vida Mar Hotel, Funchal, Madeira
Wastes Conference aims at bringing together academia and industry experts from the Waste Management and Recycling sectors, from around the world, offering state of the art knowledge and sharing experiences with all in attendance.
Authors are invited to submit Abstracts and Full papers through the Easy Chair web platform. All Full papers accepted will be included in a book published by Springer, that will be proposed to Scopus and Web of Science – ISI for indexing.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
The title and the abstract of the papers should be entered as plain text, without any HTML elements. The abstract should be approximately within 300 to 500 words.Not exceed 800 words
Full papers
Full papers should be in PDF format (file extension .pdf) according to the following templates
The entire manuscript (i.e., text, figures, tables, bibliography, etc.) must be no more than 8 pages long including graphs, tables and figures. Any manuscript having excess pages will not be accepted.
List of Topics
- Management of waste streams (CDW, WEEE, RDF, ASR, etc.)
- Environmental, economic, and social aspects in waste management
- Waste-to-energy technologies
- Life cycle assessment and carbon footprint
- Biological treatment techniques
- Sustainable waste treatment and valorization technologies
- Circular economy and industrial symbioses
- Smart technologies and digital tools in waste management
- Recycling of wastes and resources recovery
- Wastes refineries
- Food waste management and bioeconomy
- Plastic waste impacts, management strategies and solutions
- Wastes as critical raw materials resources
- Oceans and Blue Economy
- Cândida Vilarinho - Universidade do Minho,
- Fernando Castro - Universidade do Minho
- Rui Caldeira - ARDITI
- Elsa Fernandes - Universidade da Madeira
Organizing committee
- Joana Carvalho - CVR - Centro para a Valorização de Resíduos
- Jorge Araújo - CVR - Centro para a Valorização de Resíduos
- Rute Araújo - CVR - Centro para a Valorização de Resíduos
- Élia Vieira - ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
- Elsa Ferreira - ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
- Sara Bettencourt - ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
All Full papers accepted will be included in a book published by Springer, that will be proposed to Scopus and Web of Science – ISI for indexing.
The 7th International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities will take place at the Vidamar Resort Hotel CongressCenter.
CVR – Centro para a Valorização de Resíduos
Address:Campus de Azurém da Universidade do Minho4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
+ 351 253 510 020(Cost of call to national fixed network)
+ 351 253 510 031(Cost of call to national fixed network)
Email: secretariat@wastes2025.org