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Intercultural communicative competence in global business and its development in the Spanish Foreign Language Higher Education Classroom

7 pagesPublished: January 6, 2018


This research was developed within the scope of an Erasmus+ EU-funded project called ICCAGE-Intercultural Communicative Competence: an advantage for global employability ( The aim of the ICCAGE project is to increase the intercultural communicative competence of Higher Education students in Portugal, Spain, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The ICCAGE project aim is to facilitate Higher Education students’ employability in global markets and contribute to raising employment rates among the young in the aforementioned countries, since all these countries share considerably high youth unemployment. This study addresses the business intercultural communicative competences required today by international employers and describes how best to acquire or develop those competences among students who are learning Business Spanish as a foreign language (Español para Fines Económicos y Comerciales, or ELEFEC) in Higher Education Institutions. Information on the role of international business communication today was gathered through a questionnaire/ interview protocol developed by business communication experts from Hungary, Spain, Portugal and the Czech Republic. Responses to this questionnaire/interview protocol were collected from November 2015 to January 2016 among 28 business people/employers from the aforementioned countries, who were engaged in international professional activities. The data collected show the indispensable intercultural communicative competences needed for international businesses, which will allow young people to integrate in the current multicultural and plurilingual entrepreneurial business contexts. Data was also used to explore the most adequate teaching and learning methodology to develop the skills, attitudes, knowledge and intercultural critical awareness from within the teaching and learning of ELEFEC in Higher Education.

Keyphrases: iccage, intercultural business communication, intercultural communicative competence, spanish, spanish foreign language

In: Alejandro Curado (editor). LSP in Multi-disciplinary contexts of Teaching and Research. Papers from the 16th International AELFE Conference, vol 3, pages 103-109.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Luís García and Paulo Silveira and Margarida Morgado},
  title     = {Las Competencias de Comunicación Intercultural en la Empresa Global y su Desarrollo en el Aula de Español Para Fines Económicos y Comerciales.},
  booktitle = {LSP in Multi-disciplinary contexts of Teaching and Research. Papers from the 16th International AELFE Conference},
  editor    = {Alejandro Curado},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics},
  volume    = {3},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-5283},
  url       = {/publications/paper/HFpR},
  doi       = {10.29007/4bs6},
  pages     = {103-109},
  year      = {2018}}
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