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Technical Design of Reclamation on Limestone Mining at Pt. Pertama Mina Sutra Perkasa Greden Village, Sub-District, Puger, Regency, Jember, East Java Province

EasyChair Preprint 6285

8 pagesDate: August 12, 2021


Pertama Mina Sutra Perkasa Ltd is a company engaged in the limestone mining sector and currently has two quarries, the first quarry is finished-mining and the second quarry is in the production operation stage. However, until now, the first quarry shows that there has been no reclamation activity after completing mining activities and thus, a reclamation plan is needed. This study aimed at calculating the area and volume of embankment needed on ex-mining land to be reclaimed and to plan technically the arrangement of reclamation land and implement re-vegetation plans. The research method involved mathematical calculations based on the Regulation of Forestry Minister P.4/2011, Reclamation Guidelines. The results of this study demonstrated that the area of ​​reclaimed land covered 6,600 m². The reclamation method uses a flat terrace method and the re-vegetation uses River Tamarind plants as the reinforcement plants and corn plants as the supporting plants. To reclaim the ex-mining land, it is necessary to have several stages. The first stage is structuring the land with a topsoil heap volume 0.4 m then forming a flat terrace with the slope angle 1.8° on the reclaimed land and making waterways and bunds on the flat terrace. Secondly, the re-vegetation stage includes seedling and transplanting on the land to be reclaimed. The last stage is maintenance, by spraying pests and diseases once a week and replanting on the damaged plants.

Keyphrases: land, re-vegetation Pertama Mina Sutra Perkasa Ltd, reclamation

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Ongen Jises Rakil and Lakon Utamakno and Fairus Atika Redanto Putri},
  title     = {Technical Design of Reclamation on Limestone Mining at Pt. Pertama Mina Sutra Perkasa Greden Village, Sub-District, Puger, Regency, Jember, East Java Province},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 6285},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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