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Overview of the Faunal Diversity of the Béni Salah Region (Wilaya of El Tarf)

EasyChair Preprint 8744

5 pagesDate: August 30, 2022


The region of Beni salah and one of the regions of the wilaya of El Tarf which seems to conceal a very important faunal and floristic diversity. Its landscapes are diversified, attesting to rich and varied habitats. However, this part of the wilaya remains very little known ecologically, being very little invested by researchers. Thus, we proposed to study its faunal biodiversity first through inventories of mammals and birds that inhabit this area. To do this, we relied on presence indicators, including animal tracks, sounds and direct observations.The inventory resulted in the census of 10 mammal species belonging to 5 orders, 9 families and 10 genera. The order of Carnivors being the most dominant with 5 species, including: Mustela nivalis, Hyaena hyaena, Vulpes vulpes... Among the mammals inventoried, two species are protected by Algerian legislation, Cervus elaphus barbarus and Hyaena hyaena.As for birds, we observed 25 species belonging to 18 families and 24 genera. The family Accipitridae was the most dominant with 03 species and the most dominant order was that of passeriforms with 13 species. Our study, a pioneer in this region, has made it possible to draw up a preliminary listing of a fauna that remains to be studied and completed. It constitutes an important database for future work.

Keyphrases: Beni Salah, El Tarf, Inventaire, Mammifères, Oiseaux

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Bouaïcha Badreddine and Lazli Amel},
  title     = {Overview of the Faunal Diversity of the Béni Salah Region (Wilaya of El Tarf)},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 8744},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2022}}
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