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Local proofs and AVATAR

9 pagesPublished: June 29, 2018


With first-order interpolation as the application in mind, we study the problem of gen- erating local proofs in theorem provers employing the AVATAR architecture. The theory is complemented by experimental results based on our implementation of the techniques in theorem prover Vampire.

Keyphrases: avatar, interpolants, local proofs

In: Laura Kovács and Andrei Voronkov (editors). Vampire 2017. Proceedings of the 4th Vampire Workshop, vol 53, pages 33-41.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Giles Reger and Martin Suda},
  title     = {Local proofs and AVATAR},
  booktitle = {Vampire 2017. Proceedings of the 4th Vampire Workshop},
  editor    = {Laura Kovács and Andrei Voronkov},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Computing},
  volume    = {53},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-7340},
  url       = {/publications/paper/FBk9},
  doi       = {10.29007/qgdk},
  pages     = {33-41},
  year      = {2018}}
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