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Significance of Culture and Education in Developing Smart Villages in India

14 pagesPublished: October 23, 2017


Over 69% of Indian population that live across 0.6 million villages represent a significant part of Indian Society. However, little has been planned and invested in villages as compared to the urban areas. The fact that villages share only a little less than a quarter of the India’s GDP tells us about the lost potential. The sheer numbers are enough to hold as a good argument for planning and dedicated research and investment in this sector. In an effort to empower these rural communities for living with their potentials and contributing positively to the national economy, the creation of the smart villages would not only affect the future of settlements but also force significant changes in the lifestyle in the rural areas. Investigating the elements of the character of the villages and sense of belongingness to the community, this research aims to develop a framework for providing necessary education on the impacts on the vernacular characters of the place while promoting development, sustainability and affordability in the hills of Assam. The next few pages would briefly explain the essential and interdependent components that are part of a smart village, before elaborating on a typical rural house and its cultural elements that are architecturally displayed in the layout and use of spaces by the occupants. This research is only part of understanding the role and significance of culture and community as essential factors for developing rural and remote areas that would be socially acceptable.

Keyphrases: culture, education, rural, smart villages, value

In: Marsha Lamb (editor). AUBEA 2017: Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference 2017, vol 1, pages 379-392.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Velyne Ingti Katharpi and Hemanta Doloi and David Week},
  title     = {Significance of Culture and Education in Developing Smart Villages in India},
  booktitle = {AUBEA 2017: Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference 2017},
  editor    = {Marsha Lamb},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Education Science},
  volume    = {1},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2516-2306},
  url       = {/publications/paper/FRCt},
  doi       = {10.29007/sb1w},
  pages     = {379-392},
  year      = {2017}}
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