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The Cotton Fabric Coloring with Leucaena leucocephala Peel at Room Temperature

6 pagesPublished: March 1, 2021


This study aimed to utilize water stew rind of Leucaena leucocephala peel as the natural coloring for cotton fabric at room temperature to reduce heat energy but produce optimum worshippers. The natural coloring processed with mordant lime (CaCO3), alum Al2(SO4)3, and ferro sulfate (FeSO4). The research found out that L. leucocephala peel can be used for the cotton fabric natural coloring with light brown to brown. A color produced depends on the type used in dyeing. A method of staining proved to be good because the results obtained the color field and permanent. When compared with tree mordants, color absorption with lime was better. The darker color for the same treatment could be seen. The analysis results of ironing dry generally ranged between good to excellent (scale 4-5). The benefit of L. leucocephala peel can be used as a natural coloring and defended its color by mordant addition.

Keyphrases: cotton fabrics, heat energy, leucaena leucocephala, mordant, natural coloring extract

In: Kustiati and Wolly Candramila (editors). Proceedings of KOBI 2nd International Conference on Management of Tropical Biodiversity for Human Welfare: From Ecosystem to Molecular, vol 1, pages 106-111.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Priyanti and Roscha Amelia and Ardian Khairiah and Muhamad Hilal and Ade Maulana Putra and Nur Arifin Andryansyah and Ameylinda Dwi Fransiska and Maulana Malik Assyaidin and Zikri Chairullisan and Rachma Fauziah},
  title     = {The Cotton Fabric Coloring with Leucaena leucocephala Peel at Room Temperature},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of KOBI 2nd International Conference on Management of Tropical Biodiversity for Human Welfare: From Ecosystem to Molecular},
  editor    = {Kustiati and Wolly Candramila},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Biological Sciences},
  volume    = {1},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-5291},
  url       = {/publications/paper/J6wd},
  doi       = {10.29007/l1b2},
  pages     = {106-111},
  year      = {2021}}
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