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E-ACSL, a Runtime Verification Tool for Safety and Security of C Programs (tool paper)

10 pagesPublished: December 14, 2017


This tool paper presents E-ACSL, a runtime verification tool for C programs capable of checking a broad range of safety and security properties expressed using a formal specification language. E-ACSL consumes a C program annotated with formal specifications and generates a new C program that behaves similarly to the original if the formal properties are satisfied, or aborts its execution whenever a property does not hold. This paper presents an overview of E-ACSL and its specification language.

Keyphrases: formal specification language, memory debugger, runtime assertion checking, runtime verification tool

In: Giles Reger and Klaus Havelund (editors). RV-CuBES 2017. An International Workshop on Competitions, Usability, Benchmarks, Evaluation, and Standardisation for Runtime Verification Tools, vol 3, pages 164-173.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Julien Signoles and Nikolai Kosmatov and Kostyantyn Vorobyov},
  title     = {E-ACSL, a Runtime Verification Tool for Safety and Security of C Programs (tool paper)},
  booktitle = {RV-CuBES 2017. An International Workshop on Competitions, Usability, Benchmarks, Evaluation, and Standardisation for Runtime Verification Tools},
  editor    = {Giles Reger and Klaus Havelund},
  series    = {Kalpa Publications in Computing},
  volume    = {3},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2515-1762},
  url       = {/publications/paper/t6tV},
  doi       = {10.29007/fpdh},
  pages     = {164-173},
  year      = {2017}}
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