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Sensor Guided Robotics

EasyChair Preprint 3639

35 pagesDate: June 19, 2020


 A mobile robot control system centred on subsequent marked path can overcome numerous difficulties of the old-fashioned mobile robots. To be beneficial in an industrial atmosphere a mobile robot is essential to be low-priced, consistent and easy to acclimate to any changes in the operational environment. Old-fashioned mobile robots stereotypically based around facsimiles of the atmosphere or learning techniques, such as neural systems, are not appropriate. They entail expensive sensors and significant processing possessions, which are luxurious and often conclude the design of the robot. If the atmosphere has fluctuations either the model must be substituted, necessitating considerable time and know-how, or the robot must be reinstructed, again necessitating time and know-how. Control systems grounded on marked paths do not agonize from these restrictions as badly. They can be instigated using negligible sensors and handling resources, and if the atmosphere changes the paths can basically be rehabilitated, necessitating little or no reprogramming of the automatons. The objective of this proposal is to scrutinize a simple path following robot, obstacle follower robot and obstacle avoidence robot ,which are premeditated to be a malleable base for more composite robot performances.

Keyphrases: Direct Current., Internet of Things., Light Emitting Diode., pulse width modulation.

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {S. R. Nisha and T. S. Kirthana and S. Pavithra},
  title     = {Sensor Guided Robotics},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 3639},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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