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Design and Development of a Fuzzy-Based Single-Phase STATCOM Operator for Non-Linear Loads in Standalone PV Systems to Improve Power Quality

EasyChair Preprint no. 9614

6 pagesDate: January 23, 2023


In the recent decade, environmental preservation has enhanced the usage of renewable energies. The most prevalent renewable energy source is solar. Several papers have shown how to improve power quality with filters. Passive filter is one technique to improve power quality, however it has unset a reactive power compensation, is large if inductors are employed, and loses some signal. Applying these extra compensating devices mitigates power quality concerns and assures voltage sag and swell. The flexible AC transmission has compensating devices. This proposed technique uses a PV farm inverter as a static compensator (STATCOM) to improve power quality for nonlinear loads in standalone PV systems. Two-stage system has a boost DC-DC converter on the primary side. In addition, the boost converter's gradual conductance mechanism assures maximum PV array power. Custom power devices mitigate voltage sag/swell, uneven load voltage, voltage control, etc. by compensating reactive power with shunt current. STATCOM is expected to improve power quality and network stability. A nonlinear and resilient Fuzzy controller is developed for Single phase STATCOM's dc link bus voltage. MATLAB/Simulink simulates a fuzzy STATCOM controller.

Keyphrases: Fuzzy controller, LC filter, Non-linear load, passive harmonic filter, Photovoltaic cell, Power Quality, PV inverter, STATCOM, Total Harmonic Distortion

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Mulumudi Rajesh and Aithepalli Lakshmi Devi},
  title = {Design and Development of a Fuzzy-Based Single-Phase STATCOM Operator for Non-Linear Loads in Standalone PV Systems to Improve Power Quality},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 9614},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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