High-Speed Digital Control in a Switching-Synchronized Sampled-State Space for Variable Frequency Multi-Phase Buck Converters
EasyChair Preprint 8323
8 pages•Date: June 19, 2022Abstract
This paper presents a new method for controlling
variable frequency, multi-phase buck converters. At the
MHz-range switching frequency for each phase, cycle-by-cycle
digital control of current and voltage results in a fast transient
response to and fast settling from disturbances. A key challenge
in adding phases or increasing frequency is maintaining the
ability to measure voltage without interference from switching
transients; cycle-by-cycle voltage averaging is fast and largely
impervious to these effects. Additional benefits include ease of
design and implementation. Theory and modeling are presented
and results are demonstrated in simulation.
Index Terms—multi-phase, power converters, switchingsychronized
sampled-state space, digital control, cycle-by-cycle
averaging, voltage regulator modules.
Keyphrases: Multiphase, control, digital