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Determine and Overcome Challenges That Cause Failure in the Automatic Braking System in Driverless Cars.

EasyChair Preprint 14281

23 pagesDate: August 3, 2024


The self-braking system of cars relies on a remote infrared sensing device. Hence, this research focuses on the applied results of a hand-made infrared remote sensing device and obtains practical results of the efficiency of the remote infrared sensing device that is used now on the self-braking systems, in different weather conditions and the position of the Sun in sky (intensity of Sunray) as well as various variable such as the colour and temperature of the obstacle to improving this device to be able to do its function properly without car accidents, in the meantime the electronic system of the automatic braking system must be connected to the speedometer device of the car to make the car brake at high speeds for obstacle objects from greater distances, and reduce that distance at lower speeds. If the car is at high speed, even braking the car a few meters away from the obstacle objects may not help to prevent the accident because the car will keep moving and collide with the obstacle objects due to the momentum generated in the material of the car at high speed, where adding a camera and computer and the artificial intelligence program to diagnose objects in the used system could reduce errors and malfunctions and avoid accidents. Considering the light polarization features in the used infrared ray of the automatic braking system via added polarization filter in the emitter and the same sort of filter to the receiver (infrared sensor) to receive the same angle of the polarized infrared ray, to identify the used infrared ray of the same car strictly and separate the rest of received infrared rays either from the artificial or natural sources in the infrared ray sensor.

Keyphrases: Automatic braking system., Failure in the Automatic Braking System., Infrared remote sensor.

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Armen Ohan},
  title     = {Determine and Overcome Challenges That Cause Failure in the Automatic Braking System in Driverless Cars.},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 14281},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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