ARQNL 2014: Editor's Preface

The First International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2014) was held on July 23, 2014, in Vienna, Austria. The workshop was affiliated with the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2014), which was part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2014) and the Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL 2014). The aim of the ARQNL 2014 Workshop has been to foster the development of proof calculi, automated theorem proving (ATP) systems and model finders for all sorts of quantified non-classical logics. The workshop provided a forum for researchers to present and discuss recent developments in this area.

Non-classical logics -- such as modal logics, conditional logics, intuitionistic logic, description logics, temporal logics, linear logic, dynamic logic, fuzzy logic, paraconsistent logic, relevance logic -- have many applications in AI, Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics, and Mathematics. Hence, the automation of proof search in these logics is a crucial task. For many propositional non-classical logics there exist proof calculi and ATP systems. But proof search is significantly more difficult than in classical logic. For first-order and higher-order non-classical logics the mechanization and automation of proof search is even more challenging. Furthermore, extending existing non-classical propositional calculi, proof techniques and implementations to quantified logics is often not straightforward. As a result, for most quantified non-classical logics there exist no or only few (efficient) ATP systems. It is in particular the aim of the workshop to initiate and foster practical implementations and evaluations of such ATP systems for non-classical logics.

The ARQNL 2014 Workshop received 10 paper submissions. Each paper was reviewed by at least three referees, and following an online discussion, 8 research papers were selected to be included in the proceedings. We would like to sincerely thank both all the authors for their submissions and the members of the Program Committee of ARQNL 2014 for their professional work in the review process. Furthermore, we would like to thank the Workshop Chairs and the Organizing Committee of the Vienna Summer of Logic. Finally, many thanks to all active participants at the ARQNL 2014 Workshop and to the EasyChair support team.


Christoph Benzmüller
Jens Otten
April 2015
Berlin and Potsdam