CAINE 2022: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the papers presented at CAINE 2022: ISCA 35th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering held on October 17, 2022. This conference is in conjunction with the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2022). Both conferences are sponsored by International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA). This year's conference was held virtually due to the pandemic.

CAINE provides researcher and scientists all over the world a great opportunity to present and discuss reearch results in the areas of computer applicataions in various disciplines. To ensure the quality of papers selected for presentations and publication, each submission was reviewed by multiple program committee members based on technical content and accuracy, significance of the results, the conference scope, clarity of ideas, and overall quality. The committee decided to accept nine papers. The conference program also featured one invited keynote talk by Dr. Jinxin Ma from University of Greenwich, United Kingdom.

We would like to thank our sponsor ISCA and ISCA director Dr. Narayan Debnath for his work in handling registration. We gratefully acknowledge the active contributions of our program committee and session chairs. We also want to thank all presenters and attendees for actively contributing to the success of CAINE 2022. 

Conference Chair: Dr. Gongzhu Hu
Program Chairs: Dr. Yan Shi, Dr. Krishna Kambhampaty and Dr. Takaaki Goto
October 17, 2022