EUNIS 2023: Editor's Preface

EUNIS is the European University Information Systems organisation. Its mission is to help member institutions develop their information technology landscape by sharing knowledge and experience and working together. Learn more on our web site

The 29th Annual EUNIS Congress was hosted on 14-16 June, 2023 by the University of Vigo in Spain.

A Pre-Congress day on June 13th included the workshops of the EUNIS groups.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, 2023 was the first year of a fully in-person EUNIS event. On-line presentations were not accepted.

Besides the high-quality technical program, the EUNIS Congress provides a unique opportunity for building relationships and sharing knowledge and experiences in the area of digital transformation in higher education.

The theme for EUNIS 2023 was:

European Universities and the digital transformation: Challenges and opportunities ahead

The program included contributions in the following tracks:

  1. Governance and policies for higher education and research
  2. Information systems design, development and deployment
  3. Learning, teaching and research

The papers submitted to the review committee were directly requested as full papers (4 to 10 pages), including a 300 words abstract.

The Congress received 75 submissions, among which 48 were accepted for an oral presentation in Vigo.

In addition, invited presentations were given by 3 keynote speakers.

A selection of 36 papers was made by the Scientific Committee to establish the current proceedings, published in the EasyChair EPIC Series indexed by Scopus.

EUNIS 2022 is very grateful to all the authors and reviewers. The reviewers are listed in the Program Committee.

Grateful thanks to our sponsors:

Honour sponsor: Concello de Vigo

Platinum sponsor:  X2O Media

Gold sponsors: Academic Software ; Explorance ; Instructure; Panasonic Connect ; Ready Education

Silver sponsors: Anthology ; ASEM-Solutions ; the National Information Processing Institute (OPI) ; Panopto ; Pegasi

Bronze sponsors: AVIXA ; SIGMA

Jean-François Desnos
Martín López Nores
July 8, 2023