GCAI 2020: Program CommitteePerson | Affiliation |
Jose Julio Alferes | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal | Serge Autexier | DFKI, Germany | Christoph Benzmüller | Freie Universität Berlin, Germany | Krysia Broda | Imperial College, UK | Gabriella Cortellessa | CNR-ISTC, National Research Council of Italy, Italy | Wolfgang Faber | Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria | Germain Forestier | Université de Haute Alsace, France | Marco Gavanelli | University of Ferrara, Italy | Gianluigi Greco | University of Calabria, Italy | Mateja Jamnik | University of Cambridge, UK | Juan Luis Jiménez Laredo | Université du Havre Normandie, France | Tommi Junttila | Aalto University, Finland | Panagiotis Kanellopoulos | University of Essex, UK | Gabriele Kern-Isberner | Technische Universitaet Dortmund, Germany | Gang Li | Deakin University, Australia | Sanjiang Li | University of Technology, Sydney, Australia | Ines Lynce | INESC-ID/IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal | George Metcalfe | University of Bern, Switzerland | Angelo Montanari | University of Udine, Italy | Till Mossakowski | University of Magdeburg, Germany | Apivadee Piyatumrong | National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand | Radu-Emil Precup | Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania | Matthias R. Brust | University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | Dumitru Roman | SINTEF, Norway | Marco Roveri | Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy | Steven Schockaert | Cardiff University, UK | Marcin Seredynski | E-Bus Competence Center, Luxembourg | Chenyi Zhang | Jinan University, China | Inon Zuckerman | Ariel University, Israel |