LPAR-17-short: Keyword Index

AC-completionGround Associative and Commutative Completion Modulo Shostak Theories
admissible rulesComplexity of Admissible Rules in the Implication-Negation Fragment of Intuitionistic Logic
Answer Set ProgrammingDefault Reasoning in Action Domains with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions
ArgumentationDynamics of Argumentation Systems: A Basic Theory
associativity and commutativityGround Associative and Commutative Completion Modulo Shostak Theories
axiomProof rules for the dialogical logic N
BCI logicNote on Deduction Theorems in Contraction-Free Logics
clause eliminationCovered Clause Elimination
computational complexityComplexity of Admissible Rules in the Implication-Negation Fragment of Intuitionistic Logic
Dynamics of Argumentation Systems: A Basic Theory
contraction-free logicsNote on Deduction Theorems in Contraction-Free Logics
counterexample generationNitpick: A Counterexample Generator for Isabelle/HOL Based on the Relational Model Finder Kodkod
decision procedureGround Associative and Commutative Completion Modulo Shostak Theories
dialogical logicProof rules for the dialogical logic N
Playing Lorenzen Dialogue Games on the Web
dialogue gameProof rules for the dialogical logic N
Playing Lorenzen Dialogue Games on the Web
dynamicsDynamics of Argumentation Systems: A Basic Theory
feasibilityFeasibility as a gradual notion
gradualnessFeasibility as a gradual notion
Gödel logicGödel logics with an operator shifting truth values
heuristicPlaying Lorenzen Dialogue Games on the Web
higher-order logicNitpick: A Counterexample Generator for Isabelle/HOL Based on the Relational Model Finder Kodkod
interactive theorem provingNitpick: A Counterexample Generator for Isabelle/HOL Based on the Relational Model Finder Kodkod
intuitionistic logicComplexity of Admissible Rules in the Implication-Negation Fragment of Intuitionistic Logic
local deduction theoremsNote on Deduction Theorems in Contraction-Free Logics
logical omniscienceFeasibility as a gradual notion
model findingNitpick: A Counterexample Generator for Isabelle/HOL Based on the Relational Model Finder Kodkod
non-monotonic logicDynamics of Argumentation Systems: A Basic Theory
non-monotonic reasoningDefault Reasoning in Action Domains with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions
non-recursivenessGödel logics with an operator shifting truth values
object-oriented programmingPlaying Lorenzen Dialogue Games on the Web
proof theoryProof rules for the dialogical logic N
puzzleA Sudoku-Solver for Large Puzzles using SAT
Reasoning about actions and changeDefault Reasoning in Action Domains with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions
ring operatorGödel logics with an operator shifting truth values
SATA Sudoku-Solver for Large Puzzles using SAT
SAT preprocessingCovered Clause Elimination
satisfiability checkingCovered Clause Elimination
Shostak theoriesGround Associative and Commutative Completion Modulo Shostak Theories
simplificationCovered Clause Elimination
SMT solversGround Associative and Commutative Completion Modulo Shostak Theories
stochastic searchA Sudoku-Solver for Large Puzzles using SAT
SudokuA Sudoku-Solver for Large Puzzles using SAT
t-norm logicsFeasibility as a gradual notion
web mathematicsPlaying Lorenzen Dialogue Games on the Web
Łukasiewicz logicGödel logics with an operator shifting truth values