LuxLogAI 2018: Editor's Preface

This volume contains selected student papers from the Deduktionstreffen 2018 of the German Informatics Society (GI) and the poster track of the 2nd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2018). Both events were hosted at the Luxembourg Logic for AI Summit (LuxLogAI 2018), September 17-16 2018 in Luxembourg. With its special focus theme on “methods and tools for responsible AI”, a core objective of LuxLogAI was to present the latest developments and progress made on the crucial question of how to make AI more transparent, responsible and accountable.

The annual meeting Deduktionstreffen is the prime activity of the Interest Group for Deduction Systems (FGDedSys) of the German Informatics Society. It is a meeting with a familiar, friendly atmosphere, where everyone interested in deduction can report on their work in an informal setting. A special focus of the Deduktionstreffen is on young researchers and students, who are particularly encouraged to present their ongoing research projects to a wider audience.  Another goal of the meeting is to stimulate networking effects and to foster collaborative research projects.

RuleML+RR is the leading event in rule-based reasoning and addresses topics covering theoretical advances, novel technologies, and innovative applications of knowledge representation and reasoning with rules. RuleML+RR 2018 aims to bring together rigorous researchers and inventive practitioners, interested in the foundations and applications of rules and reasoning in academia, industry, engineering, business, finance, healthcare and other application areas. With its poster track, RuleML+RR also gives young researchers and students the possibility to present own work in a productive and colloquial environment. The RuleML+RR 2018 Best Power Award was awarded to Lukas Grätz (Universität Leipzig) for this poster on "Concepts as Modalities in Description Logics". 

We would like to thank the authors for their contributions, the members of the program committee for their invested work, and the LuxLogAI chairs for the stimulating event.

Alexander Steen
Christoph Benzmüller
Xavier Parent
February 1, 2019