PAAR-2010: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. Sledgehammer is a highly successful subsystem of Isabelle/HOL that calls automatic theorem provers to assist with interactive proof construction. It requires no user configuration: it can be invoked with a single mouse gesture at any point in a proof. It automatically finds relevant lemmas from all those currently available. An unusual aspect of its architecture is its use of unsound translations, coupled with its delivery of results as Isabelle/HOL proof scripts: its output cannot be trusted, but it does not need to be trusted. Sledgehammer works well with Isar structured proofs and allows beginners to prove challenging theorems.
Abstract. We present a novel application of automated theorem proving for the simulation of computational systems. The computational systems we consider are evolvable, i.e. may reconfigure their structure and programs at run-time. In [1], a logical framework for describing such systems is introduced. The underlying logic of this framework allows us to build a simulation engine for executing system specifications. This engine makes intensive use of automated theorem proving – when running a simulation, almost all computational steps are those of a theorem prover. In this paper, we present this novel combination of a logical setting involving meta-level logics and large sets of formulae for system description, together with theorem proving requirements which involve often slowly changing specifications with the need for rapid assessment of deducibility and consistency. We will evaluate the suitability of several theorem provers for this application.
Abstract. We report on the application of higher-order automated theorem proving in ontology reasoning. Concretely, we have integrated the Sigma knowledge engineering environment and the Suggested Upper-Level Ontology SUMO with the higher-order theorem prover LEO-II. The basis for this integration is a translation from SUMO representations into the new typed higher-order form representation language TPTP THF. We illustrate the benefits of our integration with examples, report on experiments and analyze open challenges.
Abstract. Programming provers is a complex task; completeness or even soundness may often be broken by apparently harmless bugs. A good testing platform can contribute in detecting problems early and helping development. This paper presents GridTPT, the distributed platform for testing the verit SMT solver. Its features are fairly standard, but it allows to easily distribute the task in a cluster.

We plan to make this platform available as an open source tool for the community of developers of automated theorem provers. This presentation to PAAR'2010 will provide the opportunity to discuss the need for such a tool and the necessary features in a broader context. We would like to extract a requirement specification from this discussion, that would be useful to get dedicated implementation resources for distribution, maintenance and future development of GridTPT.
Abstract. Originally developed as an algebraic characterisation for quantum mechanics, the algebraic structure of quantales nowadays finds widespread applications ranging from (non-commutative) logics to hybrid systems. We present an approach to bring reasoning about quantales into the realm of (fully) automated theorem proving. This will yield automation in various (new) fields of applications in the future. To achieve this goal and to receive a general approach (independent of any particular theorem prover), we use the TPTP Problem Library for higher-order logic. In particular, we give an encoding of quantales in the typed higher-order form (THF) and present some theorems about quantales which can be proved fully automatically. We further present prospective applications for our approach and discuss practical experiences using THF.
Abstract. We present a procedure to decide propositional Dummett logic. Such a procedure relies on a tableau calculus with a multiple premise rule and optimizations. The resulting implementation outperforms the state of the art graph-based procedure.
Abstract. Calculi for propositional dynamic logics have been investigated since the introduction of this logic in the late seventies. Only in recent years have practical procedures been suggested and implemented. In this paper, we compare three such systems, namely, the Tableau Workbench by Abate, Gore, and Widmann (2009), the pdlProver system by Gore and Widmann (2009), and the MLSolver system by Friedmann and Lange (2009).
Abstract. An algorithm that stores the prime implicates of a logical formula in a trie was developed in [Matusiewicz 2009]. In this paper, an improved version of that pi-trie algorithm is presented. It achieves its speedup primarily by significantly decreasing subsumption testing. Preliminary experiments indicate the new algorithm to be substantially faster and the trie based subsumption tests to be considerably more efficient than the clause by clause approach originally employed.
Abstract. In this paper we describe a number of automation techniques which we have developed to assist us in reasoning formally about geometry in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. These range from simplification rules to a user-centric integration of Isabelle with the computer algebra system QEPCAD-B. We demonstrate the power and limitations of these techniques through illustrative examples taken from our verification of a triangulation algorithm.
Abstract. The TPTP language, developed within the framework of the TPTP library, allows the representation of problems and solutions in first-order and higher-order logic. Whereas the writing of solutions in resolution calculi is well documented and used, an appropriate representation of solutions in tableau or connection calculi using the TPTP syntax has not yet been specified. This paper describes how the TPTP language can be used to represent derivations and solutions in standard tableau, sequent and connection calculi for classical first-order logic.