SCSS 2013: Author Index

Alpuente, MaríaParametric Exploration of Rewriting Logic Computations
Ballis, DemisParametric Exploration of Rewriting Logic Computations
Buchberger, BrunoMathematics of 21st Century: A Personal View
Comini, MarcoAutomatic Inference of Term Equivalence in Term Rewriting Systems
A Condensed Goal-Independent Fixpoint Semantics Modeling the Small-Step Behavior of Rewriting
Frechina, FranciscoParametric Exploration of Rewriting Logic Computations
Ghourabi, FadouaLogical and Algebraic Views of a Knot Fold of a Regular Heptagon
Godlevsky, AlexanderUsage of Invariants for Symbolic Verification of Requirements
Goto, MizukiData Conversion Method between a Natural Number and a Binary Tree for an Inductive Proof and Its Application
Guba, AntonUsage of Invariants for Symbolic Verification of Requirements
Ida, TetsuoLogical and Algebraic Views of a Knot Fold of a Regular Heptagon
Kakutani, YoshihikoAutomated Verification of Equivalence on Quantum Cryptographic Protocols
Kato, GoAutomated Verification of Equivalence on Quantum Cryptographic Protocols
Kawano, YasuhitoAutomated Verification of Equivalence on Quantum Cryptographic Protocols
Klin, MikhailComputer algebra investigation of known primitive triangle-free strongly regular graphs
Kolchin, AlexanderUsage of Invariants for Symbolic Verification of Requirements
Kubota, TakahiroAutomated Verification of Equivalence on Quantum Cryptographic Protocols
Letichevsky, AlexanderUsage of Invariants for Symbolic Verification of Requirements
Letychevskyi, OleksandrUsage of Invariants for Symbolic Verification of Requirements
Li, WeiA Semantic Framework for Program Debugging
Matringe, NadirGenerating Asymptotically Non-terminant Initial Variable Values for Linear Diagonalizable Programs.
Moura, ArnaldoGenerating Asymptotically Non-terminant Initial Variable Values for Linear Diagonalizable Programs.
Neumann, SeverinA modified parallel F4 algorithm for shared and distributed memory architectures
Ouaknine, JoelDecision Problems for Linear Recurrence Sequences
Peschanenko, VladimirUsage of Invariants for Symbolic Verification of Requirements
Rebiha, RachidGenerating Asymptotically Non-terminant Initial Variable Values for Linear Diagonalizable Programs.
Sakurada, HidekiAutomated Verification of Equivalence on Quantum Cryptographic Protocols
Sapiña, JuliaParametric Exploration of Rewriting Logic Computations
Takahashi, KazukoLogical and Algebraic Views of a Knot Fold of a Regular Heptagon
Data Conversion Method between a Natural Number and a Binary Tree for an Inductive Proof and Its Application
Torella, LucaAutomatic Inference of Term Equivalence in Term Rewriting Systems
A Condensed Goal-Independent Fixpoint Semantics Modeling the Small-Step Behavior of Rewriting
Vajda, RobertLebesgue Constants and Optimal Node Systems via Symbolic Computations
Yoshimaru, ShizuoData Conversion Method between a Natural Number and a Binary Tree for an Inductive Proof and Its Application
Ziv-Av, MatanComputer algebra investigation of known primitive triangle-free strongly regular graphs