SEDE 2020: Keyword Index

AstroinformaticsDetection of unknown galaxy types in large databases of galaxy images
astrophysicsDetection of unknown galaxy types in large databases of galaxy images
AuthenticityA Blueprint for a Trustworthy Health Data Platform Encompassing IoT and Blockchain Technologies
classification modelAmeliorating Accuracy of a Map Navigation When Dealing with Different Altitude Traffics that Share Exact Geolocation
Cloud ApplicationsCloud Applications Adoption: User Study Survey From Industry and Academia
Cloud ComputingCloud Applications Adoption: User Study Survey From Industry and Academia
Cloud Computing AdoptionCloud Applications Adoption: User Study Survey From Industry and Academia
Cognitive informaticsCognitive Informatics in Emergency Disaster Management Systems
Common Operating PictureCognitive Informatics in Emergency Disaster Management Systems
ConfidentialityA Blueprint for a Trustworthy Health Data Platform Encompassing IoT and Blockchain Technologies
control mechanismsControls and Novelty on Digital Platforms: Two Case Studies
Cost EstimationA Project Tracking Tool for Scrum Projects with Machine Learning Support for Cost Estimation
D&DChaotic Creations
DashboardCognitive Informatics in Emergency Disaster Management Systems
Data EngineeringAn O(nlogn/logw) Time Algorithm for Ridesharing
databaseChaotic Creations
digital platformsControls and Novelty on Digital Platforms: Two Case Studies
efficient algorithmsAn O(nlogn/logw) Time Algorithm for Ridesharing
Emergency disaster management systemCognitive Informatics in Emergency Disaster Management Systems
GPSAmeliorating Accuracy of a Map Navigation When Dealing with Different Altitude Traffics that Share Exact Geolocation
Gun SurveillancePreprocessing Method Comparisons For VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection
Health Data PlatformA Blueprint for a Trustworthy Health Data Platform Encompassing IoT and Blockchain Technologies
Image PreprocessingPreprocessing Method Comparisons For VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection
IntegrityA Blueprint for a Trustworthy Health Data Platform Encompassing IoT and Blockchain Technologies
IS controlsControls and Novelty on Digital Platforms: Two Case Studies
knowledge discoveryDetection of unknown galaxy types in large databases of galaxy images
location-based applicationAmeliorating Accuracy of a Map Navigation When Dealing with Different Altitude Traffics that Share Exact Geolocation
mapAmeliorating Accuracy of a Map Navigation When Dealing with Different Altitude Traffics that Share Exact Geolocation
multi-objective optimizationMulti-Objective Regression Test Selection
noveltyControls and Novelty on Digital Platforms: Two Case Studies
Novelty GalaxiesDetection of unknown galaxy types in large databases of galaxy images
Object DetectorPreprocessing Method Comparisons For VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection
Peculiar galaxies in Pan-STARRSDetection of unknown galaxy types in large databases of galaxy images
Pistol DetectionPreprocessing Method Comparisons For VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection
program invariantMulti-Objective Regression Test Selection
project trackingA Project Tracking Tool for Scrum Projects with Machine Learning Support for Cost Estimation
ride-sharingAn O(nlogn/logw) Time Algorithm for Ridesharing
Road Type ClassificationAmeliorating Accuracy of a Map Navigation When Dealing with Different Altitude Traffics that Share Exact Geolocation
ScrumA Project Tracking Tool for Scrum Projects with Machine Learning Support for Cost Estimation
Selective Regression TestingMulti-Objective Regression Test Selection
simulationsTechniques for Using Virtual Reality Simulations for Self-Defense Skill Development
softwareChaotic Creations
software developmentControls and Novelty on Digital Platforms: Two Case Studies
Software EngineeringTechniques for Using Virtual Reality Simulations for Self-Defense Skill Development
SQLiteChaotic Creations
time complexityAn O(nlogn/logw) Time Algorithm for Ridesharing
traffic navigationAmeliorating Accuracy of a Map Navigation When Dealing with Different Altitude Traffics that Share Exact Geolocation
usability testingCognitive Informatics in Emergency Disaster Management Systems
VGG16Preprocessing Method Comparisons For VGG16 Fast-RCNN Pistol Detection
Virtual RealityTechniques for Using Virtual Reality Simulations for Self-Defense Skill Development
visualizationCognitive Informatics in Emergency Disaster Management Systems
web applicationChaotic Creations
WPFChaotic Creations
XAMLChaotic Creations