Society 5.0 - 2022: Keyword Index

Autism Spectrum DisorderPractice Track: A Learning Tracker using Digital Biomarkers for Autistic Preschoolers
BusinessPlatform-based Strategic Consulting for Digital Transformation
CatfishingThe Dark Side of Social Media - Cyberbullying, Catfishing and Trolling: A Systematic Literature Review
circular economyFinancing the Circular Economy - Four Elements of Success
Circular FinanceFinancing the Circular Economy - Four Elements of Success
CoachingA Computational Literature Analysis of Conversational AI Research with a Focus on the Coaching Domain
Computational Literature AnalysisA Computational Literature Analysis of Conversational AI Research with a Focus on the Coaching Domain
conceptual framework"Our most valuable knowledge-based assets": Leveraging the role of human capital for organizational sustainability
ConsultingPlatform-based Strategic Consulting for Digital Transformation
content analysisThe Society 5.0 Landscape and Research Agenda
Conversational AIA Computational Literature Analysis of Conversational AI Research with a Focus on the Coaching Domain
COVIDUnderstanding the influence of Teachers’ Beliefs and Professional Dispositions on Technology use in South African Secondary Schools before and during COVID
CrimeAn E-haling Crime and Exploitation Classification Framework
CryptographyPost-Quantum Cryptography: An Introductory Overview and Implementation Challenges of Quantum-Resistant Algorithms
CyberbullyingThe Dark Side of Social Media - Cyberbullying, Catfishing and Trolling: A Systematic Literature Review
Data DigitalizationHumanists in Society 5.0: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Building a Super Smart Society
Data StakeholdersIdentification and Chaining of Water Accounting Data Stakeholders
digital agePlatform-based Strategic Consulting for Digital Transformation
Digital AvatarsMediHopps: A novel approach to virtual rehabilitation sport
Digital BiomarkersPractice Track: A Learning Tracker using Digital Biomarkers for Autistic Preschoolers
Digital TransformationPlatform-based Strategic Consulting for Digital Transformation
Designing Enterprise Architecture Management Services – A Transformation Journey in the Public Sector
DRVDesigning Enterprise Architecture Management Services – A Transformation Journey in the Public Sector
E-halingAn E-haling Crime and Exploitation Classification Framework
Enterprise Architecture ManagementDesigning Enterprise Architecture Management Services – A Transformation Journey in the Public Sector
expert interviewsFinancing the Circular Economy - Four Elements of Success
ExploitationAn E-haling Crime and Exploitation Classification Framework
Extended RealityMediHopps: A novel approach to virtual rehabilitation sport
Fourth Industrial RevolutionEnhancing Sustainability through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: A Quantitative Study Comparing Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
Productivity Enhancements through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: Comparison of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
Full body holoporationMediHopps: A novel approach to virtual rehabilitation sport
Future of work skillsSociety 5.0 and the future of work skills for software engineers and developers
GovTechThe Process-Driven Approach Applied Globally: Methodology, Architectures & Strategy for a Competitive Digital Transformation of Societies
human capital"Our most valuable knowledge-based assets": Leveraging the role of human capital for organizational sustainability
Human Computer InterfaceKey user experience principles in designing computer interfaces for emotionally vulnerable user groups
human-centered designKey user experience principles in designing computer interfaces for emotionally vulnerable user groups
HumanismHumanists in Society 5.0: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Building a Super Smart Society
HumanistHumanists in Society 5.0: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Building a Super Smart Society
Implementation ChallengesPost-Quantum Cryptography: An Introductory Overview and Implementation Challenges of Quantum-Resistant Algorithms
Industry 4.0Enhancing Sustainability through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: A Quantitative Study Comparing Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
Productivity Enhancements through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: Comparison of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
Humanists in Society 5.0: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Building a Super Smart Society
Industry 5.0Humanists in Society 5.0: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Building a Super Smart Society
Intellectual capital-based view theory"Our most valuable knowledge-based assets": Leveraging the role of human capital for organizational sustainability
Internet of ThingsProductivity Enhancements through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: Comparison of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
Introductory OverviewPost-Quantum Cryptography: An Introductory Overview and Implementation Challenges of Quantum-Resistant Algorithms
Latent Dirichlet AllocationA Computational Literature Analysis of Conversational AI Research with a Focus on the Coaching Domain
Life Cycle AssessmentIdentification and Chaining of Water Accounting Data Stakeholders
machine learningPractice Track: A Learning Tracker using Digital Biomarkers for Autistic Preschoolers
Methodical process digitizationThe Process-Driven Approach Applied Globally: Methodology, Architectures & Strategy for a Competitive Digital Transformation of Societies
Organizational Sustainability"Our most valuable knowledge-based assets": Leveraging the role of human capital for organizational sustainability
pedagogic practicesUnderstanding the influence of Teachers’ Beliefs and Professional Dispositions on Technology use in South African Secondary Schools before and during COVID
personalized medicinePractice Track: A Learning Tracker using Digital Biomarkers for Autistic Preschoolers
platformPlatform-based Strategic Consulting for Digital Transformation
post-quantum cryptographyPost-Quantum Cryptography: An Introductory Overview and Implementation Challenges of Quantum-Resistant Algorithms
Process App StoreThe Process-Driven Approach Applied Globally: Methodology, Architectures & Strategy for a Competitive Digital Transformation of Societies
ProductivityProductivity Enhancements through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: Comparison of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
Professional DispositionUnderstanding the influence of Teachers’ Beliefs and Professional Dispositions on Technology use in South African Secondary Schools before and during COVID
public administrationDesigning Enterprise Architecture Management Services – A Transformation Journey in the Public Sector
quantitative studyEnhancing Sustainability through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: A Quantitative Study Comparing Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
Productivity Enhancements through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: Comparison of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
quantum computingPost-Quantum Cryptography: An Introductory Overview and Implementation Challenges of Quantum-Resistant Algorithms
Rehabilitation sportMediHopps: A novel approach to virtual rehabilitation sport
research agendaThe Society 5.0 Landscape and Research Agenda
RidesharingAn E-haling Crime and Exploitation Classification Framework
ServicesDesigning Enterprise Architecture Management Services – A Transformation Journey in the Public Sector
simulationEnhancing Sustainability through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: A Quantitative Study Comparing Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
social mediaThe Dark Side of Social Media - Cyberbullying, Catfishing and Trolling: A Systematic Literature Review
social network analysisThe Society 5.0 Landscape and Research Agenda
Society 4.0Humanists in Society 5.0: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Building a Super Smart Society
Society 5.0The Society 5.0 Landscape and Research Agenda
Humanists in Society 5.0: The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Building a Super Smart Society
Software 2.0Society 5.0 and the future of work skills for software engineers and developers
software developerSociety 5.0 and the future of work skills for software engineers and developers
Software EngineerSociety 5.0 and the future of work skills for software engineers and developers
South African secondary schoolsUnderstanding the influence of Teachers’ Beliefs and Professional Dispositions on Technology use in South African Secondary Schools before and during COVID
StrategyPlatform-based Strategic Consulting for Digital Transformation
SustainabilityEnhancing Sustainability through Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: A Quantitative Study Comparing Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises with Large Enterprises
sustainable water managementIdentification and Chaining of Water Accounting Data Stakeholders
SWEBOKSociety 5.0 and the future of work skills for software engineers and developers
Systematic Literature ReviewAn E-haling Crime and Exploitation Classification Framework
systems thinkingFinancing the Circular Economy - Four Elements of Success
teacher beliefsUnderstanding the influence of Teachers’ Beliefs and Professional Dispositions on Technology use in South African Secondary Schools before and during COVID
technology useUnderstanding the influence of Teachers’ Beliefs and Professional Dispositions on Technology use in South African Secondary Schools before and during COVID
TrollingThe Dark Side of Social Media - Cyberbullying, Catfishing and Trolling: A Systematic Literature Review
user experienceKey user experience principles in designing computer interfaces for emotionally vulnerable user groups
Value Proposition CanvasDesigning Enterprise Architecture Management Services – A Transformation Journey in the Public Sector
Virtual Collaboration SpacesMediHopps: A novel approach to virtual rehabilitation sport
Vulnerable userKey user experience principles in designing computer interfaces for emotionally vulnerable user groups
water accountingIdentification and Chaining of Water Accounting Data Stakeholders
Water FootprintingIdentification and Chaining of Water Accounting Data Stakeholders
XR-glassesMediHopps: A novel approach to virtual rehabilitation sport