iGISc 2019: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the papers presented at the International Conference on Geospatial Information Sciences (iGISc 2019) held on October 23-25, 2019 in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

The iGISc 2019 aimed at serving as an articulating element of the research community around the issues addressed by Geospatial Information Sciences (GISc), including basic and applied topics of Computational Geointelligence, Geospatial Modelling, Geovisualization and Remote Sensing among others. By gathering national and international experts in the GISc field to exchange ideas, knowledge, and experiences, it is expected that this event can generate further links between the national and international research community.

There were 24 submissions from which, after a double-blind review process, 15 made it to the final program for presentation in oral sessions. The conference also included posters sessions that served as an outlet for students and young researchers to showcase work in progress.

We would like to thank authors for their contributions and to the Scientific Committee members who substantially contributed with their time and effort providing highly qualified reviews of submitted papers. We also thank the key note speakers and workshop presenters --Tim Warner, Gil Pontius, and Edwin Aldana-- for their participation. In addition, we owe special thanks to the iGISc 2019 staff and members for their dedication and professionalism in taking care of all the aspects of conference management.

Partial funding was received from the Mexican National Science and Technology Council (CONACyT) through projects FORDECYT 296737 “Consorcio en Inteligencia Artifical” and project 299328 from the Scientific, Technological, and Innovation Support Activities Program. We also acknowledge the support from the government of Yucatán.

Oscar Sánchez-Siordia
José Luis Silván-Cárdenas
Alejandro Molina-Villegas
Gandhi Hernández-Chan
Pablo López-Ramirez
Rodrigo Tapia-McClung
Karime González-Zuccolotto
Mario Chirinos-Colunga
October 17, 2019
Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico