GCAI 2015: Keyword Index

abstraction refinementEPR-based k-induction with Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement
adaptive neural networksApplication of Adaptive Neural Networks for the Filtration of Spam
Answer Set ProgrammingAn Algebra of Combined Constraint Solving
Artificial IntelligenceBliStr: The Blind Strategymaker
automated theorem provingBreeding Theorem Proving Heuristics with Genetic Algorithms
BliStr: The Blind Strategymaker
Automaton constraintImplied Constraints for Automaton Constraints
BilatticesLinear Models of Computation and Program Learning
bioprosthetic handMulticlassifier System with Dynamic Model of Classifier Competence Applied to the Control of Bioprosthetic Hand
bitopologyLinear Models of Computation and Program Learning
Bounded Model CheckingEPR-based k-induction with Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement
competence measureMulticlassifier System with Dynamic Model of Classifier Competence Applied to the Control of Bioprosthetic Hand
computational complexityAn Algebra of Combined Constraint Solving
computer games(The Final) Countdown
conditionalsOn Conditionals
conjunctive normal formA Resolution Method for Modal Logic S5
constraint decompositionA Modelling Pearl with Sortedness Constraints
Constraint ModellingA Modelling Pearl with Sortedness Constraints
Constraint ProgrammingA Modelling Pearl with Sortedness Constraints
constraint propagatorA Modelling Pearl with Sortedness Constraints
constraint satisfactionSAT-Based Techniques for Integer Linear Constraints
countdown game(The Final) Countdown
countdown game variants(The Final) Countdown
coverage controlSimulated Annealing Application to Maximum Lifetime Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
coverage preserving protocolsSimulated Annealing Application to Maximum Lifetime Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
data complexityTemporal Query Answering in DL-Lite with Negation
Description LogicFoundations for the Logical Difference of EL-TBoxes
Description LogicsTemporal Query Answering in DL-Lite with Negation
DL-LiteTemporal Query Answering in DL-Lite with Negation
doxastic logicTrust, Belief and Honesty
energy management problemA Genetic Algorithm based Control Strategy for the Energy Management Problem in PHEVs
energy optimizationSimulated Annealing Application to Maximum Lifetime Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
EPR fragmentEPR-based k-induction with Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement
extended interval numbersLinear Models of Computation and Program Learning
feedback informationMulticlassifier System with Dynamic Model of Classifier Competence Applied to the Control of Bioprosthetic Hand
Feferman-Vaught Reduction SequencesA Uniform Approach to Incremental Automated Reasoning on Strongly Distributed Structures
first-order logicEPR-based k-induction with Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement
fixpoint reasoningFoundations for the Logical Difference of EL-TBoxes
fuzzy samplingLinear Models of Computation and Program Learning
generalized animationLinear Models of Computation and Program Learning
Genetic AlgorithmsA Genetic Algorithm based Control Strategy for the Energy Management Problem in PHEVs
Breeding Theorem Proving Heuristics with Genetic Algorithms
Global ConstraintsImplied Constraints for Automaton Constraints
hesitant fuzzy setHesitant Fuzzy MADM Approach in Optimal Selection of Investment Projects
heuristic searchBreeding Theorem Proving Heuristics with Genetic Algorithms
HOLMetis-based Paramodulation Tactic for HOL Light
hybrid electric vehicleA Genetic Algorithm based Control Strategy for the Energy Management Problem in PHEVs
implied constraintsImplied Constraints for Automaton Constraints
Incremental Automated ReasoningA Uniform Approach to Incremental Automated Reasoning on Strongly Distributed Structures
information entropyHesitant Fuzzy MADM Approach in Optimal Selection of Investment Projects
k-inductionEPR-based k-induction with Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement
knowledge representationModeling Organic Chemistry and Planning Organic Synthesis
Knowledge Representation and ReasoningAn Algebra of Combined Constraint Solving
large-theory automated reasoningBliStr: The Blind Strategymaker
Linear Integer ArithmeticSAT-Based Techniques for Integer Linear Constraints
logic programmingOn Conditionals
logical difference between ontologiesFoundations for the Logical Difference of EL-TBoxes
mathematical foundationsAn Algebra of Combined Constraint Solving
mathematical programming problemHesitant Fuzzy MADM Approach in Optimal Selection of Investment Projects
maximum lifetime coverage problemSimulated Annealing Application to Maximum Lifetime Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
MESONMetis-based Paramodulation Tactic for HOL Light
METISMetis-based Paramodulation Tactic for HOL Light
modal logicTrust, Belief and Honesty
modal logic S5A Resolution Method for Modal Logic S5
modular systemsAn Algebra of Combined Constraint Solving
multi-attribute decision makingHesitant Fuzzy MADM Approach in Optimal Selection of Investment Projects
multi-language constraint solvingAn Algebra of Combined Constraint Solving
Multiclassifier systemMulticlassifier System with Dynamic Model of Classifier Competence Applied to the Control of Bioprosthetic Hand
negative probabilityLinear Models of Computation and Program Learning
neural networksApplication of Adaptive Neural Networks for the Filtration of Spam
non-monotonic reasoningOn Conditionals
organic chemistry synthesis problemModeling Organic Chemistry and Planning Organic Synthesis
paramodulationMetis-based Paramodulation Tactic for HOL Light
probabilistic programmingLinear Models of Computation and Program Learning
Proof tacticsMetis-based Paramodulation Tactic for HOL Light
ranking of investment projectsHesitant Fuzzy MADM Approach in Optimal Selection of Investment Projects
reasoning about actionModeling Organic Chemistry and Planning Organic Synthesis
resolution methodA Resolution Method for Modal Logic S5
SAT solvingSAT-Based Techniques for Integer Linear Constraints
simulations between hypergraphsFoundations for the Logical Difference of EL-TBoxes
sortedness constraintsA Modelling Pearl with Sortedness Constraints
SpamApplication of Adaptive Neural Networks for the Filtration of Spam
Spam DetectionApplication of Adaptive Neural Networks for the Filtration of Spam
spam filtration systemApplication of Adaptive Neural Networks for the Filtration of Spam
stable sortA Modelling Pearl with Sortedness Constraints
strategy developmentBliStr: The Blind Strategymaker
Strongly distributed systemsA Uniform Approach to Incremental Automated Reasoning on Strongly Distributed Structures
Syntactically Defined Translation SchemesA Uniform Approach to Incremental Automated Reasoning on Strongly Distributed Structures
tableauxMetis-based Paramodulation Tactic for HOL Light
Temporal QueriesTemporal Query Answering in DL-Lite with Negation
TOPSIS methodHesitant Fuzzy MADM Approach in Optimal Selection of Investment Projects
TrustTrust, Belief and Honesty
Wireless Sensor NetworksSimulated Annealing Application to Maximum Lifetime Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks