ISAS 2021: Author Index

Cao Dinh, Minh QuanDevelopment a low-cost electrical impedance tomography system for non-invasively detecting abnormal in breast tissue - Phantom study-
Dang, Ngoc Thien BanAnalysing Random Vibration of KLT Box during Transporting by Finite Element Method
Dang, Van VinhStudy On Some Matrix Equations Involving The Weighted Geometric Mean and Their Application
Dang Nguyen, Ngoc AnDevelopment a low-cost electrical impedance tomography system for non-invasively detecting abnormal in breast tissue - Phantom study-
Dau, Sy HieuStudying the Influence of Illumination Design in Quality Inspection on Vaccine Vials Production Line Using Computer Vision
Do, Minh ThangAcne Scan - Application In Assessment Of Acne And Supports Treatment Road
Do, Minh ThanhClassification of Stages Diabetic Retinopathy Using MobileNetV2 Model
Do, Quang KhanhPrediction of Rate of Penetration for wells at Nam Con Son basin using Artificial Neural Networks models
Doan, Quang My HanStudying the Influence of Illumination Design in Quality Inspection on Vaccine Vials Production Line Using Computer Vision
Huynh, Gia ThinhClassification of Stages Diabetic Retinopathy Using MobileNetV2 Model
Huynh, Hoang NhutDevelopment a low-cost electrical impedance tomography system for non-invasively detecting abnormal in breast tissue - Phantom study-
Segmentation Trachea and Bronchial Branches in Chest Computed Tomography Image by Deep Learning - preliminary results -
Classification of Stages Diabetic Retinopathy Using MobileNetV2 Model
Huynh, Mai Thuc VyThe effect of low level laser in the growth and biological activities of bitter melon
Light Treatment for Healing Burns
Huynh, Minh TriImage processing lumbar spine to highlight the location of the herniated disc
Khau, Nguyen Thanh DatStudying the Influence of Illumination Design in Quality Inspection on Vaccine Vials Production Line Using Computer Vision
Le, Nguyen An KhangStudying the Influence of Illumination Design in Quality Inspection on Vaccine Vials Production Line Using Computer Vision
Le, Thi Hieu ThaoAnalysis of Thin Wall Structures for Energy Absorption Applications by ABAQUS
Le, Thi Hong ThuyImage processing lumbar spine to highlight the location of the herniated disc
Le, Xuan DaiStudy On Some Matrix Equations Involving The Weighted Geometric Mean and Their Application
Ly, Ngoc Yen LinhPrediction of Rate of Penetration for wells at Nam Con Son basin using Artificial Neural Networks models
Ngo, Thi Thien HoaLight-tissue interactions of low level laser to support the chronic hepatitis patients
Nguyen, Minh DucAnalysis Beam-Column Cellular By Finite Element Method
Nguyen, My DuyenSegmentation Trachea and Bronchial Branches in Chest Computed Tomography Image by Deep Learning - preliminary results -
Nguyen, Ngoc Anh ThyPrediction of Rate of Penetration for wells at Nam Con Son basin using Artificial Neural Networks models
Nguyen, Phuoc Khanh HuyAnalysis of Thin Wall Structures for Energy Absorption Applications by ABAQUS
Nguyen, Thai HienAnalysis Beam-Column Cellular By Finite Element Method
Nguyen, ThangPrediction of Rate of Penetration for wells at Nam Con Son basin using Artificial Neural Networks models
Nguyen, Thi Hong VanStudy On Some Matrix Equations Involving The Weighted Geometric Mean and Their Application
Nguyen, Trung HieuAn iterative process for a finite family of Bregman totally quasi-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings and a system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems in reflexive Banach spaces
Nguyen, Van ChinhDevelopment a low-cost electrical impedance tomography system for non-invasively detecting abnormal in breast tissue - Phantom study-
Nguyen Diep, Quoc TuanDevelopment a low-cost electrical impedance tomography system for non-invasively detecting abnormal in breast tissue - Phantom study-
Segmentation Trachea and Bronchial Branches in Chest Computed Tomography Image by Deep Learning - preliminary results -
Ong, Vu Khanh PhatPrediction of Rate of Penetration for wells at Nam Con Son basin using Artificial Neural Networks models
Pham, Nguyen Xuan NguyenAcne Scan - Application In Assessment Of Acne And Supports Treatment Road
Pham, Quoc ThienStudy On Architectural Models Designed For Natural Ventilation By Finite Element Method
Pham, Thi TienThe effect of low level laser in the growth and biological activities of bitter melon
Light Treatment for Healing Burns
Pham, Tuan CuongStudy On Some Matrix Equations Involving The Weighted Geometric Mean and Their Application
Ta, Chiu HyStudying the Influence of Illumination Design in Quality Inspection on Vaccine Vials Production Line Using Computer Vision
Tran, Anh TuDevelopment a low-cost electrical impedance tomography system for non-invasively detecting abnormal in breast tissue - Phantom study-
Light Treatment for Healing Burns
Segmentation Trachea and Bronchial Branches in Chest Computed Tomography Image by Deep Learning - preliminary results -
Classification of Stages Diabetic Retinopathy Using MobileNetV2 Model
Tran, Kim BangStudy On Architectural Models Designed For Natural Ventilation By Finite Element Method
Tran, Minh ThaiLight-tissue interactions of low level laser to support the chronic hepatitis patients
Tran, Ngoc Bao DuyAcne Scan - Application In Assessment Of Acne And Supports Treatment Road
Tran, Nhat MinhStudy On Some Matrix Equations Involving The Weighted Geometric Mean and Their Application
Tran, Thi ThamAcne Scan - Application In Assessment Of Acne And Supports Treatment Road
Tran, Thien HauLight-tissue interactions of low level laser to support the chronic hepatitis patients
Tran, Trung NghiaDevelopment a low-cost electrical impedance tomography system for non-invasively detecting abnormal in breast tissue - Phantom study-
Light Treatment for Healing Burns
Segmentation Trachea and Bronchial Branches in Chest Computed Tomography Image by Deep Learning - preliminary results -
Classification of Stages Diabetic Retinopathy Using MobileNetV2 Model
Tran Thi, Ngoc DungLight-tissue interactions of low level laser to support the chronic hepatitis patients
Trinh, Tran Hong DuyenThe effect of low level laser in the growth and biological activities of bitter melon
Image processing lumbar spine to highlight the location of the herniated disc
Light Treatment for Healing Burns
Truong, My NgaThe effect of low level laser in the growth and biological activities of bitter melon
Truong, Thai HongSegmentation Trachea and Bronchial Branches in Chest Computed Tomography Image by Deep Learning - preliminary results -
Truong, Tich ThienStudy On Architectural Models Designed For Natural Ventilation By Finite Element Method
Vo, Hoang LongPrediction of Rate of Penetration for wells at Nam Con Son basin using Artificial Neural Networks models
Vu, Cong HoaAnalysing Random Vibration of KLT Box during Transporting by Finite Element Method
Analysis of Thin Wall Structures for Energy Absorption Applications by ABAQUS