ISAS 2021: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the selected papers presented at ISAS 2021: International Symposium on Applied Science 2021 held on October 15-17, 2021 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

This year, with the theme of “Connecting Global Knowledge and Understanding in Applied Science” and the join-session from National Chen Kung University, There were 120 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least 02, and on average 2.2, reviewers and program committee members in the peer-review process. The committee decided to accept 93 papers to present in the symposium. The program also includes 05 invited talks. In this volume, 16 papers were selected to publish. There are two other special issues for this symposium:

01. Science & Technology Development Journal (ISSN 1859-0128)

02. The sub-journal of Science & Technology Development Journal - Engineering & Technology (ISSN 2615-9872)

The International Symposium on Applied Science (ISAS) (formerly known as International Symposium on Engineering Physics and Mechanics - ISEPM) has been held every two years since 2011. From 2019, ISAS was decided to behold annually. It aims to connect researchers from different countries together to promote research collaboration through the generation and exchange of novel ideas in the field of applied science.

The symposium program focuses on both fundamental and application research in areas related to applied science. The ISAS 2021 will cover a wide range of topics not only in engineering physics and engineering mechanics but also in applied mathematics, computational physics, and innovative technologies. The organizers strived to create a platform of collaboration and meetings where scientists, academicians, lab experts, young researchers, and industry professionals will convene at one place to share and gain expertise through podium and poster presentations, panel discussions, and workshops.

In addition, the ISAS 2021 organizers also desire to provide space for participants to interact and establish new international collaboration. More specifically, the symposium will create an ideal opportunity for researchers and industrial professionals to make new contacts for their possibility of product development and commercialization.

Along with sharing and gaining knowledge, the ISAS symposium every year also provides space for interactions where everyone will be given the freedom to interact and helps in making new international collaborations. The symposium will also provide the best opportunity for delegates and people from industry to make new contacts where they can develop their products. In this regard, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, we warmly welcome all participants to join us and make the symposium a successful one. Please peruse this book for useful information. We are looking forward to developing with you in-depth collaborations.

On behalf of the organizer, we would like to express our gratitude for Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) - VNUHCM, National Chen Kung University (Taiwan), Y Viet Trading And Service Co., Ltd, iMed Medical Equipment Co., Ltd, Archmediz Co., Ltd, VBS Tech Co., Ltd for their generous sponsorship and support for ISAS 2021.

We would also like to express our gratitude to EasyChair and their staff for their generous support. Without their support, ISAS 2021 could not achieve in successful.

Tich Thien Truong
Trung Nghia Tran
Thanh Nha Nguyen
Quoc Khai Le
December 27, 2021
Hochiminh City, Vietnam