OMNeT Summit 2019: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. In this paper we present our work towards an evaluation platform for data centre transport protocols. We developed a simulation model for NDP1, a modern data transport protocol in data centres, a FatTree network topology and per-packet ECMP load balancing. We also developed a data centre environment that can be used to evaluate and compare data transport protocols, usch as NDP and TCP. We describe how we integrated our model with the INET Framework and present example simulations to showcase the workings of the developed framework. For that, we ran a comprehensive set of experiments and studied different components and parameters of the developed models.
Abstract. OMNeT++ as a discrete event simulator is widely used in combination with the INET framework to simulate communication networks. For students, the limited time frame designated for their master’s thesis is usually a challenge. In particular, because not only an implementation but a scientific contribution is expected as well. Within this paper we present an approach on how OMNeT++ can be used to solve the research question given in the context of a thesis. The exemplary application scenario under consideration here is based on Automated guided vehicles (AGV) which use a WLAN network to exchange information about new obstacles and their localization as such with a central server. As the performance indicators of communication networks are not yet considered while planning such setups, the effect of the network on the operation of the AGVs has to be evaluated. Especially in scenarios with a large number of AGVs the scalability of the WLAN is of interest. We show how the simulation model is parametrized based on a field analysis. With the aid of the experimental data, the different types of traffic are distinguished and modelled according to probability distributions. Based on the scenario under consideration and the envisioned large scale setups, a simulation model is implemented. In the evaluation we present exemplary results. We conclude with an explanation of the grading scheme of master’s theses to highlight how the scientific approach presented is taken into account here.
Abstract. Ethernet has become the next standard for automotive and industrial automation net- works. Standard extensions such as IEEE 802.1Q Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) have been proven to meet the real-time and robustness requirements of these environments. Augmenting the TSN switching by Software-Defined Networking functions promises additional benefits: A programming option for TSN devices can add much value to the resilience, security, and adaptivity of the environment. Network simulation allows to model highly complex networks before assembly and is an essential process for the design and validation of future networks. Still, a simulation environment that supports programmable real-time networks is missing.
This paper fills the gap by sharing our simulation model for Software-Defined Network- ing for Communication over Real-Time Ethernet (SDN4CoRE) and present initial results in modeling programmable real-time networks. In a case study, we show that SDN4CoRE can simulate complex programmable real-time networks and allows for testing and verifying the programming of real-time devices.
Abstract. The IoT influence is growing rapidly and it is expected that in the near future the number of connected IoT nodes will be in billions. Mobility of nodes is a key aspect in the IoT and network simulations are used to evaluate the performance of IoT networks with mobility. The increasing number of nodes will affect simulation environments by in- creasing the number of nodes per simulation and these simulations will require a long time to complete. So, techniques to reduce the time consumed in simulations are important. A possible technique is the use of contact traces when simulating mobility. A contact trace differs from a real trace or a synthetic mobility model in that, it deals with contact information instead of coordinate information. In this work, we have compared the per- formance of contact traces against coordinate based real traces and mobility models. For our evaluations we use the OPS framework of models built in OMNeT++. In the contact based approach, the use of real traces or mobility models will be removed and instead, nodes will use contact traces to obtain information about connections with other nodes. But this approach requires an additional step, before a simulation, to generate the contact traces. Even with this step, we show that using contact traces is advantageous in terms of simulation durations. When the scale of simulations increase (i.e., in terms of number of nodes, simulated times, etc.), the results presented show that the advantage increases considerably.
Abstract. We implement an intrusion detection application to investigate the security capabilities of Software Defined Networking (SDN) in a 5G-like environment under Distributed Denial- of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The simulation environment is created in OMNeT++ with a novel integration of two OMNeT++ extension libraries, SimuLTE and OpenFlow OM- NeT++ Suite. The 5G-like environment enables vast and diverse testing of 5G topologies, as well as performance analysis of SDN security applications with various detection and mitigation methods. We analyze distributed synchronize (SYN) flood attack performed by compromised nodes. We report our findings about the sensitivity and the specificity of detection and mitigation of SYN flood for different number of attack and benign nodes.
Abstract. Ethernet is the most promising solution to reduce complexity and enhance the band- width in the next generation in-car networks. Dedicated Ethernet protocols enable the real-time aspects in such networks. One promising candidate is the IEEE 802.1Q Time- Sensitive Networking protocol suite. Common Ethernet technologies, however, increases the vulnerability of the car infrastructure as they widen the attack surface for many com- ponents. In this paper proposes an IEEE 802.1Qci based algorithm that on the one hand, protects against DoS attacks by metering incoming Ethernet frames. On the other hand, it adapts to the behavior of the Credit Based Shaping algorithm, which was standardized for Audio/Video Bridging, the predecessor of Time-Sensitive Networking. A simulation of this proposed Credit Based Metering algorithm evaluates the concept.
Abstract. In order to accurately evaluate new concepts and protocols for mobile communication networks, realistic mobility models are needed. Furthermore, for use cases which have a bidirectional dependency between communication and mobility, changes in communication lead to changes in mobility and vice versa, thus requiring an online coupling between models. Therefore, bidirectional coupling to incorporate realistic mobility patterns is state of the art in the analysis of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) applications.
However, the same need exist for use cases where the mobile users are pedestrians rather than vehicles. Therefore, this paper introduces our current, on-going work on connecting OMNeT++ and Vadere, an open source simulation framework for microscopic pedestrian dynamics, to benefit from state of the art pedestrian mobility models in mobile communication use cases. The presented coupling is based on the existing Traffic Control Interface (TraCI) protocol used in the Veins (Vehicles in Network Simulation) framework to connect OMNeT++ with SUMO.
Abstract. Border Gateway Protocol is one and only one exterior gateway protocol for routing between autonomous systems, which basically glues the Internet together. This paper outlines BGPv4 theory and its (re)implementations in OMNeT++ discrete event simulator. This effort extends IPv6 capabilities of INET4 framework and improves the accuracy of relevant simulation models.