OMNeT Summit 2019: Author Index

Alasmar, MohammedEvaluating Modern Data Centre Transport Protocols in OMNeT++/INET
Daßler, NicoTowards a Bidirectional Coupling of Pedestrian Dynamics and Mobile Communication Simulation
Förster, AnnaSimulation Speedup in OMNeT++ Using Contact Traces
Førland, MathiasTowards 5G Intrusion Detection Scenarios with OMNeT++
Garau, MicheleTowards 5G Intrusion Detection Scenarios with OMNeT++
Gligoroski, DaniloTowards 5G Intrusion Detection Scenarios with OMNeT++
Hariharanagarajan, KaushikPerformance Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicles: Use Case of using OMNeT++ in a Master's Thesis
Häckel, TimoSDN4CoRE: A Simulation Model for Software-Defined Networking for Communication over Real-Time Ethernet
DoS Protection through Credit Based Metering - Simulation-Based Evaluation for Time-Sensitive Networking in Cars
Jeřábek, KamilEverything You Always Wanted to Know About BGPv4 in OMNeT++ But Were Afraid to Ask
Karunathilake, ThenukaSimulation Speedup in OMNeT++ Using Contact Traces
Korf, FranzSDN4CoRE: A Simulation Model for Software-Defined Networking for Communication over Real-Time Ethernet
DoS Protection through Credit Based Metering - Simulation-Based Evaluation for Time-Sensitive Networking in Cars
Kralevska, KatinaTowards 5G Intrusion Detection Scenarios with OMNeT++
Krüger, LeoPerformance Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicles: Use Case of using OMNeT++ in a Master's Thesis
Kuladinithi, KoojanaPerformance Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicles: Use Case of using OMNeT++ in a Master's Thesis
Köster, GertaTowards a Bidirectional Coupling of Pedestrian Dynamics and Mobile Communication Simulation
Marek, MarcelEverything You Always Wanted to Know About BGPv4 in OMNeT++ But Were Afraid to Ask
Meyer, PhilippSDN4CoRE: A Simulation Model for Software-Defined Networking for Communication over Real-Time Ethernet
DoS Protection through Credit Based Metering - Simulation-Based Evaluation for Time-Sensitive Networking in Cars
Novák, AdrianEverything You Always Wanted to Know About BGPv4 in OMNeT++ But Were Afraid to Ask
Parisis, GeorgeEvaluating Modern Data Centre Transport Protocols in OMNeT++/INET
Schmidt, ThomasSDN4CoRE: A Simulation Model for Software-Defined Networking for Communication over Real-Time Ethernet
DoS Protection through Credit Based Metering - Simulation-Based Evaluation for Time-Sensitive Networking in Cars
Schuhbäck, StefanTowards a Bidirectional Coupling of Pedestrian Dynamics and Mobile Communication Simulation
Timm-Giel, AndreasPerformance Evaluation of Automated Guided Vehicles: Use Case of using OMNeT++ in a Master's Thesis
Udugama, AsangaSimulation Speedup in OMNeT++ Using Contact Traces
Vesely, VladimirEverything You Always Wanted to Know About BGPv4 in OMNeT++ But Were Afraid to Ask
Wischhof, LarsTowards a Bidirectional Coupling of Pedestrian Dynamics and Mobile Communication Simulation